GSTR-8 Filing

ClearGST GSTR-7 Filing Guide

The advanced ClearGST solution provides a solution for GSTR-8 filing, across TCS GSTINs. It also provides its users a smart error correction UI at every stage - upon importing of data, reconciliation/review, uploading prepared data onto the GSTN, for a hassle-free, quick and accurate GSTR-8 filing experience.

With the advanced, enterprise-grade ClearGST solution, you can ensure a notice-free 2023! Here’re some exclusive features for GSTR-8 you must not miss exploring on the platform-

  • Enjoy a single file import of all summary for preparing TDS data

  • Proactively address errors with our smart error correction on UI such as the ingestion duplicate warning layer, invalid customer GSTINs, etc

  • Upload data to GSTN seamlessly with just a click

If you are an existing ClearGST user, skip to ‘Import Data for GSTR-8’ section. If you happen to be a new user, follow the steps given under ‘One-time Account Registration’ and ‘Create a Workspace’ sections before proceeding to ‘Import Data for GSTR-8’ section.

One-time Account Registration

If you are a first time user, register with ‘Clear’ using our web portal or app, by creating a new account using the authorised person’s email address. Follow the below steps-

Step 1: Visit and click on "Create an account”.

Step 2: Verify the email ID via link sent on the registered email ID.

Create a Workspace

Once you’ve created an account, login to the account to add company and GSTIN details-

  1. Add legal name, annual turnover, ERP in use, and products offered by Clear that you’re interested to use.

  2. By entering these minimal details, you’ve created a workspace.

  3. After that, you can add GSTINs and respective business names.

Step 1: Log in to

Step 2: On the launchpad, select the tile named ‘GST’ to open the GST software.

Step 3: Click on ‘Add GSTINs →’

Step 4: Add GSTINs, business name and click on ‘Continue →’.

Import Data for GSTR-8

An existing user can login to their account and begin with GSTR-8 filing!

Our advanced ClearGST solution provides multiple templates/ options to download/import data with minimal manual intervention. Follow the below steps-

Step 1: Click on the ‘Filing’ option, available on the left hand panel highlighted in the below screenshot.

Step 2: After that, select the tile named ‘GSTR-8’ on the filing dashboard.

Step 3: Select the ‘GSTIN’ > Select the ‘Return Period’, for which you want to prepare GSTR-8

Step 4: Enter the username & password obtained for accessing your account on the GST Network (GSTN).

It is essential to connect with the GSTN or the government portal to auto-pull the relevant data.

Note: Enter the Captcha only if you are a first-time user to activate the API.

Step 5: Enter the One-Time Password (OTP) received in the email ID & mobile number registered for the GSTIN.

Last updated