MIS Dashboard
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Last updated
MIS dashboard provides a summary level information regarding the e-Invoicing activity on the product.
MIS dashboard can be accessed by -
Clicking on the "Reports" in the sidebar menu and select "MIS dashboard for E-invoicing"
Clicking on the MIS dashboard card on the homepage
There are 3 tabs for B2B sales, B2B purchase and B2C sales
Top level summary numbers represent -
Invoices ingested
Valid and consolidated invoices
Total invoice value of valid and consolidated invoices
Total tax value of valid and consolidated invoices
Status breakdown view provides count summary by individual invoices statuses
Daywise breakdown view provides day level count summary split by invoice statuses
Overview table provides detailed summary of the invoice count, invoice value, tax amount by invoice statuses for each businesses
All foreign transaction have been converted to the Malaysian Ringgit based on the document currency conversion rate provided by users in the invoice payload