Import your data
On the E-invoicing home page, you can click on the “Sales documents” tile to start your sales e-invoice generation process.
Once done, you will land on the “Sales documents” dashboard page.
On the “Sales documents” dashboard page, you can perform all the actions pertaining to your sales documents.
To initiate the process of e-invoice generation, click on “Import file” action via the link on the empty dashboard or through the “Import” button on the left-hand panel.
When you click on the “Import” action, you will see another right-hand side panel opening in front of you where you can import your file for the purpose of e-invoice generation.
On the right-hand panel for importing documents, select “Import Sales Documents” for importing your sales data on the ClearTax platform.
You can select a file to import your data on the ClearTax platform either in the ClearTax excel template or you can create your own custom template and map it to ClearTax headers in the “Settings” section.
For more information on custom mapped templates, please refer to the “Settings” section.
Once you have selected a file to import, for B2B sales data choose the option “Einvoice Malaysia System template” in the “Template to be used” dropdown.
You can also create a custom template using the option in the same dropdown. Refer to the “Settings” section for more information on this.
Once you have successfully selected all the relevant options, click on the “Check file for errors & duplicates” button.
This action will run all the ClearTax validations on the ingested data to see if the data complies with LHDN requirements.
Once all the validations have successfully completed on the ingested file, you will see a “File Summary” screen.
This screen will give you a summary of the file in terms of number of rows with errors and number of errors respectively.
If there are any validation errors, you will see the summary result on this screen.
You can click on the “Review and fix errors” button to review and correct these errors on the ClearTax UI screen itself.
You can also correct the errors by "Downloading Error Report", correcting it offline and re-uploading the file.
You will see an error correction screen for rows with errors highlighted in Red color.
You can correct the document with errors by hovering over the error cell and correcting the values in the cells as described in the error body.
Once you have corrected the errors highlighted in Red color, you can click on the “Proceed” button to continue with your data importing activity.
ClearTax will run its validations again on the corrected data entries as part of the error correction flow.
Once this activity is completed, you will again see the “File Summary” screen.
You can click on the “Import rows without errors” button to proceed further.
Once the import activity is successfully completed, you will see the ingested document rows on the “Sales dashboard” page in “Not generated” state.
You can use the imported data for e-invoice generation either individually or by doing bulk selection.
Please follow the next sub-module on “Generate e-invoice(s)” for detailed steps on E-invoice generation.
Last updated