You will choose which report you want to generate. After that select the deductor and return period for which you want to generate the report.
Step 3: Generate Report
You can these above report in excel format, click on ‘Actions’ and select ‘Download report’.
To meet the compliance requirement of Clause 34 of Form 3CD, a Tax Audit Report, a consolidated return information at TAN and even at PAN level (Multi TAN) can be accessed.
Clause 34(a) - Deduction and collection details corresponding to the expenses and incomes.
Clause 34(b) - Details of date of furnishing the TDS and TCS returns.
Clause 34(c) - Details of interest on late deduction and late deposits.
To reconcile the:
TDS deducted in Q1 to Q4 (Annexure 1) and TDS reported in Q4 (Annexure 2)
Amount credited in Q1 to Q4 (Annexure 1) and Gross / Taxable Income reported in Q4 (Annexure 2)
Email Report: Salary Recon report can be emailed to the concerned user
Download Report: Report can be downloaded in excel
The records in the report can be filtered by any of the below criteria or the combination of these:
Total TDS as per Annex 1
Total TDS as per Annex 2
Shortfall in/Excess tax deduction as per Annex 2
Variance of TDS in Annex 1 and Annex 2
You can check the status of return filing, Filling history and e-filling order status in "Filing Status Dashboard".
Click on Sync TRACES return status’ and Status will appear on the dashboard along with summary and in detail as well.
You can click on "view details" to check the status of each form type
In “Action Tab” you can Add their PRN no as well as download their receipt.
Steps to guide:
Go to view details in the summary dashboard or choose that dashboard for which form type they want to add PRN no or download the same.
Click on Timer option in “Action Tab”
In “Action Tab” you can Add their PRN no as well as download their receipt.
When You Sync with TRACES their PRN no will shown in MASK format and after that when user add PRN no in clearTDS through the above process their no will shown in number format.
You will add PRN no only if you have filed the return through income Tax Portal or TIN FC, but if you have file through ClearTDS you need not to add PRN no it will automatically auto populate. You can add PRN, you can click on “Edit PRN” option
Users can also generate form 16A/16/27D text files, If they have already requested a file they can generate the certificate by uploading the text files and also check the availability of files on TRACES which they have already requested.
Steps to guide:
Go to view details in the summary dashboard or choose that dashboard for which form type they want to add PRN no or download the same.
Click on “Generate Certificates”
Once user Click on “Generate Certificates” user can do the following activities:
Request form 16A/16/27D text files
If they have already requested a file they can generate the certificate by uploading the text files
Check the availability of files on TRACES which they have already requested. Files can be conso file, Justification report, Bulk PAN Verification.
A detailed report of Challans used across multiple returns consisting of Validity status, consumption details and much more. This report can be generated at FY level or return level, it can be generated in excel format and also can be emailed.
A detailed report of LDCs used across multiple returns consisting of Validity status, consumption details and much more. This report can be generated at FY level or return level, it can be generated in Excel
format and also can be emailed.
This is a summary of a return at various levels such as Challan, Deductee and Section. At each summary level details of the number of deductions tagged, Total value of TDS, Surcharge and Cess shall be provided.