Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Whenever I try to generate an e-invoice via ClearTax platform, I encounter "Unauthorized" error. How can I resolve this and generate LHDN compliant e-invoices?

"Unauthorized" error occurs when ClearTax doesn't have the necessary permissions to submit e-invoices for generation on your company's behalf. There can be 4 scenarios in this case:

  • You have added ClearTax as an intermediary on your MyInvois portal but haven't given the permissions to perform actions on your behalf

    • Visit MyInvois portal and edit the intermediary profile to give ClearTax access for interacting with LHDN on your behalf.

  • The TIN registered on the MyInvois portal is different from the TIN you are using via ClearTax platform

    • The TIN mentioned on the ClearTax platform and is being used for submitting e-invoices is different from the TIN registered on your MyInvois profile.

    • Please validate if both the TINs are same.

  • The TIN entered on ClearTax platform is incorrect

    • LHDN expects taxpayers to remove any initial zeros that come after the TIN prefix for successful validation.

    • For example, where the TIN of a taxpayer is ‘C01234567890’, the zero after the prefix ‘C’ needs to be excluded, resulting in ‘C1234567890’.

    • Please make sure you have removed any initial zeros from your TIN when registering on the ClearTax platform.

I am receiving the error "Issuance date time value of the document is too old and cannot be submitted" from LHDN. What actions can I take?

LHDN expects the e-invoice to be generated within 72 hours of document issuance.

  • It might happen that you are trying to generate an e-invoice for a document whose date & time falls beyond the 72 hours window. For such cases, adjust the date to ensure it is within 72 hours before submission.

  • If you believe that the document submission date & time falls within the 72 hours window from the document issuance date & time, please check your timezone settings.

    • By default the data that you send to ClearTax platform is processed in UTC given LHDN expects date & time to be in UTC.

    • If you are sending the data in MYT from your end, please also change the setting on ClearTax portal to process this data in MYT.

    • Follow the steps mentioned in the "Set your timezone to MYT" guide for detailed instructions on the same.

I am receiving the error "Maximum allowed document size 300Kb exceeded" from LHDN for my submission. How do I interpret this error?

As per LHDN guidelines, e-Invoice file size rules are as follows:

  1. 5 MB maximum submission size;

  2. 100 maximum e-Invoices per submission; and

  3. 300 KB maximum per e-Invoice.

If you are receiving the above error, you might have already hit the "300KB" file size limit imposed by LHDN.

  • ClearTax has implemented minification of the submitted XML os JSON file to ensure your invoice meets the above mentioned limits.

  • However, in our experience we have seen this happening for documents that has line items more than 150.

  • We recommend reducing the number of line items to 150 to ensure you stay under the "300KB' file size limit and are able to successfully submit your e-invoice to LHDN.

How many decimal points does ClearTax support for various e-invoicing payload fields?

  • ClearTax supports upto 15 decimal places for the fields mentioned below:

    • TaxExchangeRate.CalculationRate

    • InvoiceLine.Price.Value

    • InvoiceLine.InvoicedQuantity.Quantity

    • InvoiceLine.TaxTotal.TaxSubtotal.Percent

    • TaxTotal.TaxSubtotal.TaxCategory.TaxRate

  • For all other amount related fields, ClearTax rounds off upto 2 decimal places.

Last updated