e-Filing TDS Returns

Learn how to e-File TDS Returns on ClearTDS

Guide to e-File TDS Returns on ClearTDS

Step 1: Generate FVU

If you are looking for steps to prepare your TDS Returns, read this guide

To start, once you’ve satisfactorily uploaded your TDS return details and it is validated without errors, click on “ Run and Generate FVU”

You will proceed with start validation and then you will click on Generate FVU.

Clear will automatically download a CSI file from the TIN NSDL website or Income Tax Portal and create an FVU file for you. After automatically uploading of CSI file, an FVU file will be successfully generated.

Step 2: Select "Direct e-Filing"

You can select “E-File” highlighted in blue color for direct filing of TDS return. Once you click on E-file user will receive e-mail for their updated status of their return.


Last updated