Other Features

Here are the articles in this section:

  • Filing Status Dashboard: Track TDS return filing details including past returns and get filed ack copies.

  • Repository: Guide how to see and validate the master list of all deductees, challans and LDC’s (lower deduction certificates) for the whole financial year for that particular deductor

  • Import and Track LDCs: Import LDCs available on Traces and track if any LDC is missed to be tagged to the deductions.

  • LDC_Challan Tagging: Tag and untag deductions to Challans and LDCs directly on UI.

  • Import Challans: Import all the challans paid from IT portal at a FY level.

  • TDS Reports: Guide to generating various reports from ClearTDS

  • Generate Form 16 and other certificates: Guide how to generate Form 16/16A/27D, Add DSC and their distribution to vendors and employees.

  • Settings: Guide how to change profile settings, workspace settings, update credentials , Add DSC and User Access Management

Last updated