Generate e-invoice(s)

  • For generating e-invoices, select the documents that you want to generate e-invoices on the “Sales dashboard” page.

  • You can select a document row individually and click on the “Generate e-inv” button to generate an e-invoice.

  • Alternatively, you can also bulk select the document rows (adjust the filter options for more refined bulk selection) and click on the “Generate e-inv” button to generate e-invoices in bulk.

  • Once the “Generate e-inv” action is completed, you will see the status of the documents change to reflect the e-invoicing status.

  • There can be 4 possible states for these documents

  1. Failed – Document is successfully uploaded, initiated a submission to LHDN but failed ClearTax validations or network failure issues on LHDN APIs.

  2. Submitted – Document submission initiated but is in a queue to be processed.

  3. Valid – Status of a successful invoice validation

  4. Invalid – Submitted document failed validations at LHDN

  • You can further click on the hyperlinked “Document number” to open the document details.

  • In case of a “Failed” or an “Invalid” document, you can also see the error message and correct the error using the “Edit” button.

  • Once the error is corrected, you can reinitiate the e-invoice generation process via the same page.

Last updated