Data Import

On this page, you can learn how to

On this page you can learn how to:

How to create and import custom templates?

Step 1: Click on the ‘Settings’ icon from the navbar.

Step 2: Click on ‘Templates’.

Step 3: Click on ‘Create Template’ to import your data.

Step 4 : Click on ‘Select file from your Computer’ to choose the file with data. You can also drag and drop the file from your computer. To download the Purchase invoices and credit debit note template, click on ‘Download ClearTax template and add data

Step 5: Select the file from your computer and click on ‘Open

Step 6: Choose the GSTINs and Return period for which the data needs to be imported.

Select ‘Create Custom template’ to create your own template from the template dropdown.

Click on ‘Upload File

Step 5: Mapping of the system and user headers

Mapping: Map your headers(Column B) with the headers in Column A. Please go through the suggestions provided and if required, make changes in the mapping from the dropdown in Column B

Mandatory fields : All the mandatory fields need to be mapped. Different tabs are provided to make the mapping easier- All, Required and Unmapped, Unmapped, Mapped.

Addition of custom fields: Additional fields can be added by clicking on ‘Add Custom Fields’ in the bottom of the page.

Choose the headers from your file in Column B (from the dropdown) and map it to Custom fields in Column A. A maximum of 30 custom fields can be added in the template for an Organisation, the same is used across all GSTINs of that organisation

Filters: Multiple filters can be added by clicking on ‘Filters’. Select or Deselect the checkboxes according to the requirement.

Actions: You can add the required headers for multiple document types and clear all the mappings done using this.

Step 6 : Click on ‘Save Template’ once all the headers in your file are mapped to headers in Column A.

Step 7: Name your template and click on ‘Save Template’ to save your custom template.

Step 8: Once the template is created successfully, wait till the file gets imported.

Step 9: Your data is now imported successfully and if some documents have errors, click on ‘Review and FIx errors’ to fix them.

How to edit or delete custom templates?

Step 1: Click on the ‘Settings’ icon from the navbar.

Step 2: Click on ‘Templates’.

Step 3:

Edit template: Click on ‘Edit’ to edit your template. You’ll be taken to the page where you can edit the template and this template can be saved again.

Delete Template: Click on the ‘Delete’ icon to delete the existing custom template.

Add custom fields: To add more custom fields to the template, click on ‘Custom fields’ and choose the document type(Sales/Purchase).Custom fields can be added at document level and line items level.

Add the label for custom field and default value for label(optional) and click on ‘Save’.

How to fix errors in the data imported?

Step 1: Once the data is successfully imported, reviewing and fixing of errors in the data can be done by clicking on ‘Review and Fix errors’.

Step 2: Error Correction

You land on the error correction screen where the errors in the data can be fixed. The ‘Errors’ column will show the number of errors in each row and the arrows in that cell will take you to the cells with mistakes.

In case of the govt template, you can navigate through different sheets in the file by clicking on tabs above.

Cells with errors are shown in red and the solution to the error is also provided.

You can change the value in the cells with errors. Once the errors are fixed, the cell turns green and you can proceed to fix other errors.

You can also drag and drop, copy paste and navigate through cells like excel. Click on ‘Proceed’ to continue importing your data.

Note: If you skip fixing the errors, those documents will not be reflected in the data imported.

Errors in the data can also be fixed by downloading the error file and importing the corrected file again. For this, click on ‘Download Error File

Click on ‘Download file’.

Fix the errors in the file and the corrected file should be uploaded by clicking on ‘Upload Corrected File

Filters: To apply filters, click on ‘Filters’. Filters can be applied for the following fields: Invoice date, Return Filing Month, Invoice Number, State Place of Supply, Bill of Entry Number, Bill of Entry Date, Supplier Name, Supplier GSTIN, My GSTIN, ITC Claim Type, Is Reverse Charge Applicable?.

Once the required filters are applied, click on ‘Apply Filters'.

If you want to clear the filters applied, click on ‘Reset’.

Step 3: Once you click on ‘Proceed’, the data import continues.

Step 4: File Summary with number of documents and rows without errors will be shown. Click on ‘Import Rows without Errors’ to import the data which has no mistakes.

Most common errors with Solutions

1.[ Invoice Date * ] -> This field should not be empty

Reason: Invoice date is a mandatory field, so this cannot be left blank

Action to be taken: User has to input an invoice date for the particular invoice in the valid format (dd-MM-yyyy). All the blank dates need to be filled

2.[ Item taxable value ] ->This field should not be empty

Reason: Item taxable value is a mandatory field, so this cannot be left blank

Action to be taken: User has to input item taxable value for the particular transaction on UI/ excel and revalidate/ re-ingest the data. It should be a valid number (Length: 0-15) and not negative.

3.[ CGST Amount ]/[ SGST Amount ] -> CGST/SGST is not applicable for inter state transactions.

Reason: Incase of interstate transactions, CGST & SGST is not applicable. Only IGST is applicable. So IGST rate needs to be added, instead of CGST & SGST

Action to be taken: CGST & SGST data need to be deleted from the respective cells (either in UI/ Excel) IGST rate needs to be added in the IGST cell in the UI/ Excel (IGST rate = CGST+SGST rates)

4.[ IGST Amount ] -> IGST is only applicable in case of inter-state transactions. (Provide a supplier state which is different from Place of supply)

Reason: IGST is applicable only in inter-state transactions. So, the state of supply should be different from the state. In the data,the first two digits in the customer billing GSTIN and state place of supply cannot be the same.

Action to be taken: The first two digits of the customer billing GSTIN should be different from state code of place of supply (Ex: First two digits in customer billing GSTIN - 27AAMCA9862B1ZG are “27”, should be different from state code in place of supply column) Change the state code of place of supply in the UI/ Excel so that it isn’t the same as the first two digits of the customer billing GSTIN.

5.[Invoice Date * ] -> Date should be in valid format (dd-MM-yyyy)

Reason: Only valid date formats can be used. If the user enters invoice dates in any other format, then the error occurs. The user might not be aware of the accepted formats or it might be the case of a human error.

Action to be taken: User has to input date in the accepted formats either on the UI/ Excel and revalidate or re-ingest the data (Valid format: dd-MM-yyyy) Note: To solve for bulk correction, excel functions can be used For text to date change use DATEVALUE() functions to correct in that case If the date is in the format in string and in DD-MM-YYYY format we can use this formula for text to date conversion - date(RIGHT(L17,4),mid(L17,SEARCH("/",L17)+1,len(L17)-find("/",L17)-5),left(L17,2)) Format changes made in one cell, can be copy pasted to the subsequent cells.

6.[ HSN or SAC code ] -> Invalid HSN/SAC Code

Recommendations and Action to be taken:

Invalid length: User to change the HSN code which is less than or equal to 8 digits. Length: 4 - 8 (Turnover <5 Cr for B2B invoices and Optional for B2C invoices)

Length: 6 - 8 (Turnover > 5 Cr for B2B and B2C invoices)

Invalid Code: HSN starting with 99 are service HSN codes and should have UQC = ‘NA’

Last updated