Add new members to account

Follow these simple steps to invite your team members with access control to your account

Only Admins can invite new members to the workspace/team. Please note that if someone from your organisation signs up directly on Clear E-invoicing portal without the invite, they will end up creating a free trial account which will expire in 30 days. To be able to use your organisation's paid license/account they must join via the invite sent by the Admin

Step 1: Navigate to Settings icon

Open account settings in the left-hand side panel

Step 2: Invite New Member

Click on "User Access" in left hand-side and then click on "Invite New Member"

Step 3: Create User ID and Select Role

Enter the Name and Email ID, which will be user ID of the invited member. Next, select a role for the user and enter any message which would be part of the Invite.

Detailed explanation of each role is available here

Step 4: Select Business Unit (PAN/GSTIN or Branch)

After entering the user details, select the business unit for which access will be provided to the invited member

Step 5: Invite Sent

Invite will be sent to the selected team member's email

Step 6: Accept Invitation

The invited user will need to click on "Accept Invitation" on the email received

The invited user will then be re-directed to the ClearTax portal where they would need to accept the the invitation


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