Add NIC Credentials

Learn how to add NIC Credentials to ClearOne

Guide to add NIC Credentials

Step 1: Generate E-Invoice or E-Way Bill

Go to any invoice for which you want to generate E - Invoice or E-Way Bill. Click on generate

Or else select the invoice and click on “Generate E-Invoice”

Step 2: Enter NIC Credentials

Enter NIC Username, Password and Captcha.

If you have not done one-time NIC Setup, Choose “No/I don’t know”. then Enter your NIC Username, Password and Captcha. Click on “Connect and authorize Cleartax”

If you have done the NIC setup already, choose “Yes” and enter the Username and Password directly

Step 3: Enter OTP

Enter the OTP sent to your registered Email id or Phone number. Click on Continue to complete the setup

If you enter the OTP incorrectly, you would have to enter the Captcha along with the OTP and then click on “continue” to complete setup

Authorization Successful


Last updated