Generate Reports
Frequently asked Questions on Generate Reports
You can find the answers to the following questions in this section -
GSTR-1 Filed Report
How to interpret the GSTR-1 Filed Report?
Can the GSTR-1 Filed Report be utilized in GSTR-9?
What are filters provided in GSTR-1 Filed report?
How to use the filters provided for finding documents?
GSTR-3B Filed Report
What is included in Multi-month 3-B report?
How does ClearTax set off and utilize GST and how is it more optimal?
GSTR-1 Filed Report
How to interpret the GSTR-1 Filed Report?
GSTR 1 filed report contains:
Invoice level data - Involving Invoices, CDN & Amendments for B2B, B2CL, EXP, CDNR, CDNUR, B2BA, B2CLA, EXPA, CDNRA & CDNURA
Summary/Aggregate level data - Involving invoices & Amendments for B2CS, ATADJ, AT & EXEMP, B2SA, ATADJA and ATA
Can the GSTR-1 Filed Report be utilized in GSTR-9?
A. This report can be used to fill Table 10 and 11 of the GSTR-9 Form regarding 'Details of the previous Financial Year's transactions reported in next Financial Year'.
What are filters provided in GSTR-1 Filed report?
Two filters are provided in this report:
Document date Filter - For finding documents by the date/FY of such document.
Return Period Filter - For finding documents by the return period in which such document was filed.
How to use the filters provided for finding documents?
a) Document Date irrespective of Return Period
b) Return period irrespective of Document Date
For eg. , we want to look up a document with -
Document Date irrespective of Return Period - We have to look up a document dated "09-10-2019", then we will select Document Date filter as "2019-2020" irrespective of the return period the document was filed.
Return period irrespective of Document Date - We have to look up all invoices filed in Return period October 2019 to December 2019 irrespective of the document date, then we select Return period from "October 2019 to December 2019" and Document Date filter as "ALL".
How to use GSTR-1 Filed report for matching GSTR 3B vs 1 Tax comparison report?
Include the following:
Taxable Value of ALL Sections included Tax Amount of all sections included except for "B2B Supplies for RCM", "Export without payment", "SEZ without payment" and "Exempt, Non-GST and Nil - Rated Supplies" Bifurcate into Outward supplies for Current and Additions related to Previous Month Take the net of amendment documents [ AMENDMENT - ORIGINAL]
GSTR-3B Filed Report
What is included in Multi-month 3-B report?
GSTR MM3B filed report contains:
Details of Outward Supplies and inward supplies liable to reverse charge Eligible ITC Values of exempt, Nil-rated and non-GST inward supplies Interest & late fee payable Total tax payable Total taxes through cash and ITC Net payable Supplies made to Unregistered Persons Supplies made to Composition Taxable Persons.
How does Cleartax set off and utilize GST and how is it more optimal?
Clear Tax automatically computes the tax payable during the month or quarter by first considering ITC of IGST before moving onto CGST or SGST. Entire unutilized IGST credit wholly to either CGST or SGST liability. A taxpayer can utilize IGST credit in any proportion and in any order, but the condition is to completely utilize the IGST credit before using CGST or SGST credit.
As per old rule, A taxpayer must begin with set-off process starting with ITC of IGST and utilise it completely before proceeding to utilise the ITC of CGST or ITC of SGST.
Balance ITC available under CGST and SGST/UTGST shall be allocated optimally to help you get maximum benefit. It ultimately keeps your cash outflow minimum possible.
ITC of / Liability of
Not Permitted
Not Permitted
What are Late fees and interest for missing the GSTR-3B due date ?
Late Fee : This report provides the details of your late-fee and interest liablity applicable. The late-filing fees(if applicable) is auto populated from the Govt.
Interest : The interest has to be paid by every taxpayer who: Makes a delayed GST payment i.e. pays GST after the due date Claims excess input tax credit Reduces excess output tax liability.
If GST is not paid within the due dates of filing return Interest at following rates has to be paid:
Tax paid after due date Excess ITC Claimed or excess reduction in Output Tax
GSTR 3B vs 1 vs Books
Why GSTR 3B vs 1 vs Books report?
It will help you in knowing the differences in respect of outward supplies between GSTR-1, 3B and Books of accounts and resolving the same while filing GST returns.
How is the GSTR 3B vs 1 vs Books report useful?
You can check the difference in totality as well as at a section level(defined as per 3B) by looking into Column D and E. If there is any difference in totality or at a section level you can accordingly add/reduce/ammend the value in GSTR-1 or 3B as the case maybe.
How can User check the data before filing?
Click on "Compare with GSTR-1" under other options in GSTR-3B to know the differences before filing the GSTR-3B return.
What is section level summary?
Section level summary provides the details of each category from GSTR-1 and GSTR-3B which is mainly divided as:
Outward taxable supplies (other than zero rated, nil rated and exempted) Zero rated Supplies Other outward supplies (Nil rated, exempted & Non-GST).
When will the data as per books populate?
If you ingest your sales data in Cleartax for preparing G-1 or 3B or for Reconciliation then that information will appears as data as per books of accounts.
GSTR 3B vs 2B vs Books
Why GSTR 3B vs 2B vs Books report?
This will help you in claiming your full Input tax credit(ITC) and also reverse any excess ITC claimed. Before filing GSTR-3B this report can be helpful for reconciliation purpose to avoid any potential demand notices from the tax authorities.
How can use GSTR 3B vs 2B vs Books report is useful?
This report helps in identifying the difference in ITC as per GSTR 3B, eligible ITC as per GSRT 2B and the books of accounts imported into ClearTax. It also shows the maximum ITC available to registered supplier as per rule 36(4) according and thus helps in ensuring compliance and avoiding any further liability in form of interest, penalty etc. from tax authorities.
When will the data as per books populate?
If you will ingest your purchase data in ClearTax for preparing G-3B then that information will appear as data as per books of accounts.
What is Maximum ITC for Registered suppliers as per rule 36(4)?
As per rule 36(4), a taxpayer while filing GSTR-3B can claim maximum Input Tax Credit (ITC) only to the extent of 105% of the eligible credit available in GSTR-2B. We calculate the Maximum ITC available to registered suppliers only by taking the Minimum of ITC claimed as per Books or 105% of GSTR 2B (All other ITC minus reversals if any). For calculating the provisional ITC as per GSTR-2B for Registered suppliers, we do not include unregistered supplies, ISD, RCM and IMPORT OF GOODS AND SERVICES.
What does the color coding signify?
In this report the data is represented in 3 color slabs which is significant in helping the user to read the data easily. The returns that are filed and populated from Govt portal are shown in Green color. The data that is based on ingested values in ClearTax and not filed are shown in White color whereas the differences are shown in Red color.
PAN Level GSTR 3B vs 1
Why PAN Level GSTR 3B vs 1 report?
This report will help in identifying PAN Level differences between GSTR 1 & GSTR 3B, w.r.t Outward Supplies and help claim full liability in subsequent GST returns and even avoid potential demand notice from tax authorities.
How PAN Level GSTR 3B vs 1 report is useful for the user?
The excel report will have two sections : PAN Level Summary and Business Summary(GSTIN Level). Further report provides an additional trail of various document types and subtypes of GSTR 1 & GSTR 3B(section level information). User can also identify cumulative difference for all the filed return periods of a selected financial year.
How tax on Outward Supplies of GSTR 1 is computed?
It is summation of Outward Supplies (a) + Amendment (b).
Here Amendment = Amendment value - Original value.
What is source of information for PAN Level GSTR 3B vs 1 report? Can this report be compared with existing report?
The source of information for this report is Filed GSTR 1 & Filed GSTR 3B of the said return periods. User can compare the values with the existing report, GSTR 3B vs 1 vs Books.
Can I download document level information of GSTR 1 data?
No, this report provides only Summary level information. For Document level information, please download PAN GSTR 1 Filed Report.
What is Section level summary?
Section level summary provides the details of each category from GSTR 1 & GSTR 3B which is mainly divided as -
Outward taxable supplies (other than zero rated, nil rated and exempted) Zero rated Supplies Other outward supplies (Nil rated, Exempted & Non-GST)
PAN Level GSTR 3B vs 2A
Why does ClearTax calculation not match the Government calculation?
Following are the reasons why ClearTax report is more accurate than government report and hence the data in some cases does not tally:
Unlike in government report, section 4(A)3 - Inward supplies liable to reverse charge is not included in ClearTax report because the section contains invoices for both Registered and Unregistered dealers. Invoices for registered dealers are present in 2A records but invoices for unregistered dealers are not present in 2A records, hence we should not consider this section in the calculation. Similarly Section 4B(1) and 4B(2) are not included in calculation because 2A summary considers the total tax amount before the ITC reversal, similarly, all other ITC in 3B summary should also have the tax amount before the tax reversal.
Why are invoices where Place of supply and my GSTN donot match are being considered in the report?
Invoices irrespective of place of supply and my GSTN are considered for apple to apple comparison. Some invoices such as Hotel tariff bills will be shown in the 2A invoices but will not appear in GSTR-3B summary (blocked ITC)
What is blocked ITC? Should one include or exclude it from 3B summary calculation?
Taxpayer is not entitled to avail of the credit of taxes paid in respect of certain goods or services, even if these goods or services are used in the course or furtherance of business in accordance with Section 17(5) of CGST Act.
Yes, both CT 3B vs 2A and Govt 3b vs 2A reports consider Part 4D(1) and (2) - Ineligible ITC for 3B summary calculation of this report.
PAN Level Multi-Month GSTR 2A
How can I match the summary of 2A with that of the Cleartax in 3B vs 2A report?
Step1 - Download MM2A report - [Invoice - CN + DN]
Step 2 - Apply following filters (FOR ALL DOCUMENTS) -
Return period Level
GST Status = Filed Reverse
Charge = Yes
How can I match the summary of 2A with that of the Govt in 3B vs 2A report?
Step1 - Download MM2A report - [Invoice - CN + DN]
Step 2 - Apply following filters (FOR ALL DOCUMENTS) -
Invoice Date level
Can PAN level summary be utilized in GSTR9?
In Part III (Table 8) of GSTR 9 we reconcile any difference between our ITC availed in GSTR 3B and that available in GSTR 2A.This report will provide month on month ITC comparison making it simpler for filing annual return
What is Table 8A of GSTR-9 ?
Table 8A in the annual Form GSTR-9 return contains details of the total input tax credit (ITC) available during the financial year from inward supplies. Inward supplies here includes all purchases made including services received from SEZs, but excludes imports and inward supplies liable to reverse charge. The ITC data will be auto-populated in this table on the basis of the Tables 3 and 5 of Form GSTR-2A, . The accurate reporting of ITC data in Table 8A helps the taxpayer claim accurate ITC for that financial year. This table is not editable Table 8A is very important from an ITC claim perspective
Which sections of GSTR-2A are given in the report?
B2B-Regular along with amendments, CDN, TDS along with amendments, TCS, ISD are present. Except for import of goods from overseas and SEZ units all the data is presented in this report that is available from GSTN.
What Logic should be applied in MM2A report for comparing with other report/recon/forms?
Below Logic are to be used for comparing MM2A report with other reports -
GSTR-2A View & Download
Basis return Period level
Includes both filed and not-filed documents
TDS/ISD value is included
GSTR-3B V/s 2A
Basis invoice date level
Includes only filed documents
TDS/ISD value is not included
Table 8A of GSTR-9 (GSTR-2A Summary)
Basis invoice date (for FY 2018-19) upto 30.09.2019 filed by supplier till 31.10.2019
Includes only filed documents
Basis invoice date level
Includes only filed documents
Table 8A of GSTR-9 V/s PR
Only amended documents are considered in case the documents are amended except when the GSTIN is amended
Multi-month GSTR 2B Report and PAN Level MM2B
What is PAN Multi-month GSTR-2B Report ?
PAN Level Multi-month GSTR-2B is an auto-drafted ITC statement that is generated for every registered person on the basis of the information furnished by their suppliers in their respective Form GSTR-1/5 and ITC received through Form GSTR-6 including data from all GSTINs under a PAN.
What is this Report Used For ?
Form GSTR-2B should be used by taxpayers to take the right input tax credit in respective sections of Form GSTR-3B.
When will Form GSTR-2B be generated?
Form GSTR-2B will be generated for each month on the 12th day of the succeeding month. For example, for the month of July 2020, the statement will be generated and made available to the registered person on 12th August 2020.
Example: Form GSTR-2B consists of all documents filed by suppliers/ISD in their Form GSTR-1, 5 & 6, between 00:00 hours on 12th day of preceding month to 23:59 hours, on 11th day of current month. Thus, statement generated on 12th of August will contain data from 00:00 hours of 12thJuly to 23:59 hours of 11thAugust.
What is the basis of MM2B Report?
This report is based on GSTR 1/5/6 Filed status of the supplier and includes data on account of Import of Goods via ICEGATE system for clients guidance.
By when details filed in Form GSTR-1 and Form GSTR-6 would reflect in Form GSTR-2B?
The details filed in Form GSTR-1 & 5 (by supplier) & Form GSTR-6 (by ISD) would reflect in the next open Form GSTR-2B of the recipient irrespective of supplierās/ISDās date of filing. For e.g., if a supplier files a document INV-1 dt. 15.07.2020 on 11th August, it will get reflected in GSTR-2B of July (generated on 12th August). If the document is filed on 12th August, 2020 the document will be reflected in Form GSTR-2B of August (generated on 12th September)
Can I as a taxpayer make changes to or add document in my Form GSTR-2B, in case there are any errors or omission in the details uploaded by my supplier taxpayers?
No, you cannot make any changes or add document to the Form GSTR-2B, as it is a read-only static ITC statement.
Should I reconcile my books of accounts with the data generated in FORM GSTR-2B?
Taxpayers are advised to ensure that the data generated in Form GSTR-2B is reconciled with their own records and books of accounts. Taxpayers must ensure that:
No credit is availed twice for any document under any circumstances. Credit is reversed as per GST Act and Rules in their Form GSTR-3B. Tax on reverse charge basis is paid
What details are available in PART-B of ITC Reversal?
"The PART-B of ITC Reversal contains details of credit notes and amendments thereof issued by the suppliers or ISD, in the following manner:
B2B ā Credit Notes
B2B ā Credit notes (Amendment)
B2B ā Credit Notes (Reverse charge)
B2B ā Credit notes (Reverse charge) (Amendment)
ISD ā Credit notes
ISD Amendment ā Credit notes
What details are available in PART-A of ITC Not Available?
"The PART-A of ITC Not Available contains details of inward supplies (invoices, debit notes and amendments related to invoices and debit notes) received from suppliers, in the following manner:
All Other ITC ā Supplies from registered persons
B2B ā Invoices
B2B ā Debit notes
B2B ā Invoices (Amendment)
B2B ā Debit Notes (Amendment)
Inward Supplies from Input Service Distributor/ISD
ISD ā Invoices
ISD ā Invoices (Amendment)
Inward Supplies liable for reverse charge
B2B ā Invoices B2B ā Debit notes
B2B ā Invoices (Amendment)
B2B ā Debit Notes (Amendment)
PAN Level multi-month GSTR 1 Report
How to interpret PAN Level multi-month GSTR 1 report?
This report is divided into 2 sections:
Summary Level Report:- This report show the data for all GSTINs in a PAN. It includes both PAN level and GSTIN level summary of all types of documents(Invoices, CDNs, Bill of Supply, Advance Receipts) , Sections wise bifurcation of filed GSTR-1 and Rate-wise summary of GSTR-1 Filed data on a monthly basis
Document Level Report - This report shows all at the document level sections(B2B,B2BA,B2CL,B2CLA,EXP,EXPA,CDNR&CDNRA)along with summary level sections(B2CS.B2CSA,AT,ATA,ATDJ,ATDJA&NIL/Exmp/NON-GST)along with the HSN summary on return period basis for all the GSTINs in a PAN on a monthly basis.
What all sections are included in PAN GSTR-1 Filed report?
"The following details of a tax period are included:
Invoice level details of supplies to registered persons including UIN holders
Invoice level details of Inter- State supplies(invoice value > Rs. 2,50,000) to unregistered persons
Details of Credit/Debit Notes issued
Details of export of goods and services including deemed exports (SEZ)
Summarized state level details of supplies to unregistered persons
Summary Details of Advances received and their adjustment
Details of any amendments to the above categories
Nil- rated, exempted, and non-GST supplies
HSN/SAC wise summary of outward supplies
Rate wise summary of outward supplies
What does "Count of document & Count of Line item" mean?
"Count of document ā is the total no. of documents present (Invoice/CDN/Bill of supply/Advance receipt) and "Count of line itemā is no. of items present in a document.
What is Rate-wise summary ?
Rate-wise summary provides GST rate wise(along with Nil-Rated/Exempted/Zer0-Rated) filed GSTR-1 filed data along with document count and tax summary on both PAN and GSTIN level on monthly basis.
What is HSN-wise summary ?
HSN-wise summary provides HSN wise GSTR-1 filed data along with tax details for all GSTINs in a PAN on monthly basis.
Are E-invoice details present in GSTR-1 Filed report?
Yes, the E-invoice details are auto-populated in Form GSTR-1 and as such reflected in the GSTR-1 filed report. Following fields are present in B2B,EXP,CDNR,CDNUR sections :
IRN: Invoice Reference Number (IRN) of the E-invoice.
IRN Date: Date of E-invoice.
GSTR-1 HSN summary Report
What does GSTR-1 HSN summary Report contain?
HSN-wise Summary is a summary of all the products and services that you've sold in the respective filing period according to the HSN code reported. This report contain details from filed GSTR-1. It along contain document count and tax summary on return period basis as well as FY basis.
How is this GSTR-1 HSN summary report useful?
This report is useful for the taxpayer for compliance as per table 12 of GSTR-1 and Table 17 of GSTR-9 where HSN summary for outward supplies needs to to be reported.
How to match GSTR-1 HSN summary report?
To match the values in GSTR-1 HSN wise summary report compare all the documents filed in GSTR-1 at each return period. Every HSN/SAC, UQC and description will have a separate and unique entry.
What is the source of information for GSTR-1 HSN summary report?
This report is populated from the all the documents that were filed in GSTR-1 form and as appearing in ClearTax GSTR-1 Filed report.
Sales HSN Summary Report
How Sales HSN Summary Report useful ?
This report serves as a useful analysis and validation tool before filing of GSTR-1 for summarizing turnover on the basis of GST rates.
How to match Sales HSN Summary report?
To match the values in Sales HSN wise summary report compare all the documents imported into ClearTax portal at each return period. Every HSN/SAC, UQC and description will have a separate and unique entry.
What is the source of information for Sales HSN Summary report?
This report is populated from the all the documents that are imported in ClearTax GSTR-1 form only. Incase no documents are imported in ClearTax portal, this report appears to be blank as it is populated from ingested Sales data in ClearTax portal.
What does Sales HSN Summary report contain?
This report provides GST rate wise summary based on ingested or imported sales data along with document count and tax summary as per major tax heads i.e., IGST, CGST and SGST on Return period level as well as Financial Year level. Rate-wise Sales Summary is a summary of all the sales made in the respective filing period according to the GST rates on such outward supplies which are yet to be filed but have been ingested in the ClearTax portal.
GSTR-1 Rate Wise Summary Report
What does GSTR-1 Rate Wise Summary report contain?
This report provides Tax rate wise filed GSTR-1 filed data along with document count and tax summary on return period basis as well as FY basis. This report contain details from filed GSTR-1. Rate-wise Summary is a summary of all the products and services that you've sold in the respective filing period according to the GST tax rate reported on such outward supplies.
How is GSTR-1 Rate Wise Summary report useful?
This report helps in analyzing GSTR 1 data on rate wise basis for compliance requirement of GSTR 9C - Reconciliation of turnover on rate basis. Also, serves as a general validation before filing G1.
How to match GSTR-1 Rate Wise Summary report?
To match the values in GSTR-1 Rate wise summary report with the values of GSTR-1 filed report, compare all the documents filed on the basis of each GST rate. Make sure to include all sections of documents.
What is the source of information for GSTR-1 Rate Wise Summary report?
This report is populated from the all the documents that were filed in GSTR-1 form and as appearing in ClearTax GSTR-1 Filed report.
Rate Wise Sales Summary Report
What does Rate Wise Sales Summary report contain?
This report provides Tax rate wise filed GSTR-1 filed data along with document count and tax summary on return period basis as well as FY basis. This report contain details from sales data present in ClearTax. Rate-wise Summary is a summary of all the products and services that you've sold in the respective filing period according to the GST tax rate reported on such outward supplies.
How is Rate Wise Sales Summary report useful?
Serves as a general validation before filing G1 for analyzing turnover on rate basis.
How to match Rate Wise Sales Summary report?
To match the values in Sales rate wise summary report compare all the documents imported into ClearTax portal at each GST rate. Make sure to include all sections of documents.
What is the source of information for Rate Wise Sales Summary report?
This report is populated from the all the documents that are imported in ClearTax GSTR-1 form only. Incase no documents are imported in ClearTax portal, this report appears to be blank as it is populated from ingested Sales data in ClearTax portal.
Cash Ledger and ITC Ledger Reports
Cash Ledger
On what basis can I utilize the balance in Electronic Cash ledger?
The utilization of Cash from Electronic Cash Ledger is done on the basis of following principles:
RULE 1: The amount of Cash deposited for CGST/SGST/UTGST/IGST/Cess in the Electronic Cash Ledger can be used for payment of CGST/SGST/UTGST/IGST/Cess liabilities respectively. No inter head adjustment is allowed for major heads.
RULE 2: Cash deposited under the minor head i.e. Tax/Interest/Fee/Penalty/Others in the Electronic Cash Ledger can be utilized for payment of Tax/Interest/Fee/Penalty/Others liabilities respectively of the same major head. No minor head adjustment is allowed.
RULE 3: Amount under Cash Ledger will be used in the following priority order:
self-assessed tax, and other dues related to returns of previous tax periods
Previous month tax liability covers:
Tax liability reported but not paid Interest/penalty/fee arising out of previous month return period declarations self-assessed tax, and other dues related to return of current tax period
Current month tax liability includes:
Liability for invoices and amendments uploaded for previous months ITC reversal due to mismatch of invoice (Reversal under Section 42 (5) & (6) for (M-2).
Tax Period) Tax amount increased in M Tax period as a consequence of reduction of liability by supplier in (M-2) tax period but without corresponding reduction in ITC by the receiver (Section 43(6)).
Liability for invoices and other consolidated declarations uploaded for current month. Any other amount payable under the Act or the rules made thereunder including the demand determined under section 73 or 74.
RULE 4: The amount allowed to be entered for utilization of cash canāt be more than the amount of balance available under the respective major/minor head of tax in Cash Ledger.
Is intra-head or inter-head transfer of amount available in Electronic Cash Ledger possible?
Yes, you can perform intra-head or inter-head transfer of amount, as available in Electronic Cash Ledger, using Form GST PMT-09. Form GST PMT-09 enables any registered taxpayer to perform, intra-head or inter-head transfer of amount, as available in Electronic Cash Ledger. Thus, a registered taxpayer can now file Form GST PMT-09 for transfer of any amount of tax, interest, penalty, fee or others, under one (major or minor) head to another (major or minor) head, as available in the Electronic Cash Ledger
What is Cash Ledger report?
Cash Ledger contains information about deposits that a taxpayer makes and about any GST payment made through cash.
What is Cash Ledger report used for?
This ledger is updated once you update your GSTR -3B.This means that the amount available in the Electronic Cash Ledger is used for making payments. This will be used by filers to reconcile with the books of accounts.
ITC Ledger
What is the duration for which the data range of this report can be viewed?
At Cleartax the ITC Ledger report can be viewed for a maximum period of 18 months on fetching the data as compared to Government which can be viewed for 6 months only.
Which type of ITC is credited to ECL?
All eligible Input Tax Credit that is claimed by a registered dealer in the GST returns reflects in Electronic Cash Ledger.
How is this report useful?
This report is like a bank statement for the Input tax credit. Credit in Electronic Cash Ledger can be used for payment of tax. It shows a ledger for all deductions and additions of ITC and reflects the opening and closing balance. It is also helpful in keeping a record of the credit utilized from credit ledger which is significant for the preparation of GST annual returns.
What is the time limit for taking ITC and reasons therefor?
ITC can be claimed in the month of Oct(20th) of the next FY or it can be claimed on date of the filling of Annual return whichever is earlier. There is prescribed time limit for taking ITC because no changes can be made in the return permitted after September of next FY. No changes can be made after filling the annual return, if the annual return is filed before the month of September.
Can balance in Electronic Credit Ledger be utilized towards payment of interest, late fee and penalty?
Interest and Penalty can be paid only through actual cash payment. This means that balance of Electronic Credit Ledger cannot be utilized for payment of interest, penalty or late fees.
ITC Offset Report
How does ClearTax set off and utilize GST and how is it more optimal?
"Clear Tax automatically computes the tax payable during the month or quarter by first considering ITC of IGST before moving onto CGST or SGST. Entire un-utilized IGST credit fully to either CGST or SGST liability. A taxpayer can utilize IGST credit in any proportion and in any order, but the condition is to completely utilize the IGST credit before using CGST or SGST credit. Balance ITC available under CGST and SGST/UTGST shall be allocated optimally to help you get maximum benefit. It ultimately keeps your cash outflow minimum possible. Credit availed on input CESS paid on inward supplies will be available for set-off against any output tax liability of Cess only. There is no Inter head adjustment for Cess Input Tax Credit. As per old rule, a taxpayer must begin with set-off process starting with ITC of IGST and utilize it completely before proceeding to utilize the ITC of CGST or ITC of SGST.
ITC of/ Liability of
in any order
in any order
Not Permitted
Not Permitted
What is included in ITC Offset report?
ITC Offset report contains the following details as per GSTR-3B :
Outward taxable supplies Tax Payable(Other than Reverse charge) Tax Paid through ITC(Other than Reverse Charge) Tax Paid through Cash (Other than reverse charge)
What is the time limit for taking ITC and reasons therefore?
ITC can be claimed in the month of October (20th) of the next FY or it can be claimed on date of the filling of Annual return whichever is earlier. There is prescribed time limit for taking ITC because no changes can be made in the return permitted after September of next FY. No changes can be made after filling the annual return, if the annual return is filed before the month of September
What is Provisional ITC as per Rule 36(4) of CGST Act?
A taxpayer filing GSTR-3B can claim provisional Input Tax Credit (ITC) only to the extent of 10% of the eligible credit available in GSTR-2A. The amount of eligible credit is availed upon those invoices or debit notes, the details of which have been uploaded by the suppliers in the GSTR-2A only.
Monthly Tax and ITC summary Report
What is Monthly TAX/ITC summary report?
This report provides a bird's eye-view of the output tax liability, input tax credit available and tax paid through cash and credit over both FY and month level.
How this report is useful?
This report gives both PAN and GSTIN level details of tax liability due, paid and credit balances of a particular business at one glance. Know the tax liabilities on outward supplies and reverse charge as well as the break-up of Tax paid using Input Tax Credit and cash. This helps the taxpayer to keep a record, analyze and even reconcile the data from books of accounts.
What is the source of information for this report?
This report is generated from GSTR-3B filed data.
GSTR-3B vs GSTR-1 Tax Comparison Report
How to arrive at the "Tax liability as per GSTR 3B" in the given report?
Include the following -
Outward taxable supplies : Both Taxable Value and Tax amount included.
Zero rated : Both Taxable Value and Tax amount included.
Nil, exempt : Only Taxable Value Included.
Inward RCM : Neither Taxable Value nor Tax amount included.
Non- GST : Only Taxable Value Included.
How to arrive at the "Tax liability as per GSTR 1" in the given report?
Include the following -
Taxable Value of all sections is included
Tax Amount of all sections included except for "B2B Supplies for RCM", "Export without payment", "SEZ without payment" and "Exempt, Non-GST and Nil - Rated Supplies"
What is "Outward Supplies for Current month" and "Additions related to Previous months"?
Outward supplies for Current Month means "month whose values user is trying to match" and for Additions related to Previous Month means "months previous to the month user is trying to match values".
Eg. June 2019 = Current month (for which user is trying to match values) April, May, March 2019 = Previous months.
How to fetch and map "Amendment Value" and "Original values"?
To identify the Amendments related to previous months in GSTR-1 Filed report, look up all sections related to amendments i.e., B2BA, B2CLA, B2CSA, EXPA, CDNRA and CDNURA and map to the month in which amendment has been made.
To identify the Original documents corresponding to such amendments in GSTR-1 Filed report , look up all sections related to original documents for previous months i.e., B2B, B2CL, B2CS, EXP, CDNR and CDNUR as per the āOriginal Invoice Numberā and āOriginal Invoice Dateā provided in amendment details. Map these original values to the month in which amendment has been made.
Take the net of amendment documents [ AMENDMENT - ORIGINAL ]
How to use filters in GSTR1 filed report for matching this report?
For eg. , we want to look up a document with -
Document Date irrespective of Return Period - We have to look up a document dated "09-10-2019", then we will select Document Date filter as "2019-2020" irrespective of the return period the document was filed. Return period irrespective of Document Date - We have to look up all invoices filed in Return period October 2019 to December 2019 irrespective of the document date , then we select Return period from ""October 2019 to December 2019"" and Document Date filter as "ALL".
GSTR-3B vs GSTR-2A ITC comparison report
Why does the ClearTax calculation not match the Government calculation?
The ClearTax calculation does not match with the Govt. calculation primarily for the following reasons:
ClearTax does not consider ISD and TDS invoices in 2A data while Govt does ClearTax report is available on Invoice date level while Govt report is on Return Period level Invoices where Place of supply and my GSTIN does not match are not being considered
How can I match the summary of 2A with that of the Govt in 3B vs 2A report?
Step 1 - Download MM2A report - [Invoice - CN + DN]
Step 2 - apply following filters (FOR ALL DOCUMENTS) -
Invoice Date level
Why are invoices where Place of supply and my GSTIN does not match are being considered in the report?
Invoices irrespective of place of supply and my GSTIN are considered for apple to apple comparison. Some invoices such as Hotel tariff bills will be shown in the 2A invoices but will not appear in GSTR3B summary (blocked ITC).
What is blocked ITC? Should one include or exclude it from 3B summary calculation?
Taxpayer is not entitled to avail of the credit of taxes paid in respect of certain goods or services, even if these goods or services are used in the course or furtherance of business in accordance with Section 17(5) of CGST Act. Yes, both CT 3B vs 2A and Govt 3b vs 2A reports consider Part 4D(1) and (2) - Ineligible ITC for 3B summary calculation of this report.
Multi month GSTR-2A Report
How can user match the summary of 2A with that of the ClearTax in 3B vs 2A report?
Step 1 - Download MM2A report - [Invoice - CN + DN]
Step 2 - Apply following filters (FOR ALL DOCUMENTS) -
Return period Level
GST Status = Filed
Reverse Charge = Yes
How can user match the summary of 2A with that of the Govt in 3B vs 2A report?
Step 1 - Download MM2A report - [Invoice - CN + DN]
Step 2 - Apply following filters (FOR ALL DOCUMENTS) -
Invoice Date level
What is Table 8A of GSTR-9?
Table 8A in the annual Form GSTR-9 return contains details of the total input tax credit (ITC) available during the financial year from inward supplies. Inward supplies here includes all purchases made including services received from SEZs, but excludes imports and inward supplies liable to reverse charge. The ITC data will be auto-populated in this table on the basis of the Tables 3 and 5 of Form GSTR-2A.
The accurate reporting of ITC data in Table 8A helps the taxpayer claim accurate ITC for that financial year. This table is not editable Table 8A is very important from an ITC claim perspective.
What is the maximum ITC user can claim?
The CBIC released an important notification on 9 October 2019, inserting a new sub-rule (4) under rule 36 of the CGST Rules, 2017.
The rule states that the provisional tax credit (without invoices on GSTR-2A) can be claimed in the GSTR-3B only to the extent of 10%* of eligible ITC reflected in the GSTR-2A. Hence, the total ITC that can be claimed in GSTR-3B is 110% of the eligible ITC appearing in the GSTR-2A of a particular period
Which sections of GSTR-2A are given in the report?
B2B-Regular along with amendments, CDN, TDS along with amendments, TCS, ISD are present. Except for import of goods from overseas and SEZ units all the data is presented in this report that is available from GSTN.
What logic should be applied in MM2A report for comparing with other report/recon/forms?
Below Logic are to be used for comparing MM2A report with other reports:
GSTR-2A View & Download: Basis return Period level Includes both filed and not-filed documents TDS/ISD value is included
GSTR-3B V/s 2A: Basis invoice date level Includes only filed documents TDS/ISD value is not included
Table 8A of GSTR-9 (GSTR-2A Summary): Basis invoice date (for FY 2018-19) upto 30.09.2019 filed by supplier till 31.10.2019 Includes only filed documents
Reconciliation: Basis invoice date level Includes only filed documents
Table 8A of GSTR-9 V/s PR: Only amended documents are considered in case the documents are amended except when the GSTIN is amended
GSTR-9 Table 8A Report
Why is GSTR-9 Section 8A important?
This report gives information of the invoices, based on which ITC that is displayed in Section A of Table 8 of GSTR 9 (Table 8A of GSTR 9). This report also lists the reason for a document's validity in calculation of ITC Summaries can be downloaded to ease the comparison with the data in Books of Accounts To know more about GSTR-9 form, click here
What is Table 8A of GSTR-9 Form?
Table 8A in the annual Form GSTR-9 return contains the details of total input tax credit(ITC) available during the financial year from inward supplies. Inward supplies here includes all the purchases other than imports and inward supplies liable to charge reverse charge but includes services received from SEZs.
What is included in Table 8A of GSTR-9 Report?
This report gives a return period wise 'Transaction summary' along with the complete data of B2B and CDN documents including amended documents.
What is the source of data populating into Table 8A of GSTR-9 form?
The ITC data will be auto-populated in this table on the basis of the Tables 3 and 5 of Form GSTR-2A, which in turn is auto-populated from the returns filed each month by the business entity's suppliers in their Form GSTR-1. It also includes tax credits distributed by their non-resident suppliers in Form GSTR-5.
Reasons for the mismatch of data between Table 8A and GSTR-2A
Following reasons are:
Filed Invoices: Check if the supplier had 'filed' the said invoices or not as figures in GSTR-2A are auto-populated from G-1.
Annual Cut off date : Check if the supplier filed 'after' the due date because figures in 8A auto-populate from GSTR-1 filed by the supplier before the due date of its filing i.e., 30th April 2019. Thus, ITC on supplies of the financial year 2017-18, if reported beyond 30th April 2019, will not get auto-populated in table 8A of form GSTR-9.
Amendments : Check invoices across 2As to account for amendments in form GSTR 1 because only the latest values of invoices have been auto-populated based on filed Form GSTR-1, taking into account all the amendments made.
Recipient's GSTN amended by the Supplier : If the supplier has mistakenly amended the GSTIN of the recipient, then the ITC will be available only to the amended GSTIN
Composition taxpayer Opt-in : If the document date was within the period the taxpayer was under the Composition Scheme, then the ITC relating to those purchase invoices will not be considered in Table 8A.
Place of supply different : ITC will be excluded from Table 8A if the place of supply (POS) lies in the same state of the supplier and not the recipient. However, this data will still be displayed in the GSTR-2A.
Reverse Charge : If the supplier has filed the invoice in his GSTR-1, but mistakenly reported that the supply is liable to reverse charge, the same will not be considered in Table 8A of the recipient.
GSTR-4A Report
What are various sections in Form GSTR-4A and what do they show?
Form GSTR-4A shows following sections:
B2B Invoices: This section displays all the inward supplies received from registered suppliers.
Credit/Debit Notes: This section displays the Credit/Debit notes added by the supplier in their respective returns.
Amendments to B2B Invoices: This section displays the invoices which are amended by the supplier in their returns.
Amendments to Credit/Debit Notes: This displays the amendments of Credit/Debit notes done by the supplier in their respective returns.
Is Form GSTR-4A required to be filed?
No, you don't have to file Form GSTR-4A. It is a read-only document provided to you so that you have a record of all the invoices received from various suppliers in a given tax period.
Can I make changes to or add an invoice in my Form GSTR-4A in case there are any errors or omission in the details uploaded by my supplier taxpayers?
No, you cannot make any changes to Form GSTR-4A, as it is a read-only document.
If new / missing invoice is added in Form GSTR-4, is it visible in Form GSTR-4A?
Any new / missing invoices added by composition taxpayer in Form GSTR-4 is not added to GSTR-4A of either current or subsequent tax period.
What happens if the composition taxpayer has filed his Form GSTR-4 and Supplier is filing his Form GSTR-1/5 post that for corresponding tax period?
If composition taxpayer has filed his Form GSTR-4 and Supplier is filing his Form GSTR-1/5 post that for corresponding tax period, in such a case Form GSTR-1/5 data will be auto-populated to the next open period Form GSTR-4A.
Eg. Receiver has filed Form GSTR-4 for Q1 and supplier is filing Form GSTR-1 for July month. In this scenario, Form GSTR-1 invoices would be populated in next open period i.e. Q2 of Form GSTR-4A.
Supplier Compliance Report
What does this report contain?
This report is a quick way to reconcile the GSTR-2A data with suppliers data smoothly and get a real-time update of the filing status in their GSTR-1. It contains the details of both Business and GSTIN level information month on month wise along with giving a status of filing, transaction count, document value and tax details.
What is the purpose of supplier compliance?
Purpose of this report is to crosscheck the eligible ITC from GSTR-2A which is available on the GST portal against the document provided by the supplier or counter party. Taxpayer must reconcile the books of accounts to avoid any mismatch. If there is any mismatch found, it must be reported to the supplier. To find out the roots of the error, one must check the last filed GST return provided by the supplier and then follow up with the supplier for any missed invoices of the GST compliance.
What is the source of information for this report?
This report is generated from Supplier level information contained in your GSTR-2A. It also gives real-time GSTR-1 filing status of the counter party. You may update this report with latest information by clicking on āPopulate Supplier Namesā which will direct you to the respective GSTR-2A page for downloading supplier data from GSTN.
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