GSTR 3B vs 1 vs Books Report

Learn how to use and analyze GSTR 3B vs GSTR 1 vs Books Report

What is GSTR 3B vs GSTR 1 vs Books Report

  • The GSTR 3B vs GSTR 1 vs Books report identifies and reconciles the differences between upcoming filings of GSTR 3B , GSTR 1 and books of accounts imported into Cleartax on both overall and section summary level

  • If the user’s data is filed , we compare the GSTR 3B data with filed GSTR-1 data. If the user’s data is not filed yet, before filing GSTR-3B, the user compares the supplies reported in GSTR-1 with the data reported in books of accounts with color coding for filed and not filed data

  • Green is used to mark the filed data while white for not filed or imported data. Differences are marked in red.

  • Reconciliation of outward supplies is a must to ensure that the details disclosed match the details disclosed in GSTR-1 and GSTR-3B as mismatch means there is shortage of tax paid by the supplier and the same must be paid along with interest @ 18 p.a and penalties.

Advantage of GSTR 3B vs GSTR 1 vs Books Report

With a quick fix reconciliation of differences before filing this report ensures maximum savings

Importance of Section level Summary in GSTR-3B vs 1 vs Books Report

  • GSTR-3B is a monthly summary return filed by a taxpayer.It discloses supplies made during the month along with GST to be paid, input tax credit claimed, purchases on which reverse charge is applicable, etc., and also makes a provision for the payment of taxes. GSTR-1 is a monthly or quarterly return filed by taxpayers to disclose details of their outward supplies for the month – along with their tax liability. Here, invoice-wise details are to be uploaded so that the Government can keep a check on every transaction

  • While filing GSTR-1 and GSTR-3B, there can be instances where reporting of supplies under the wrong table in GSTR-3B, but correctly reporting the same when declaring it invoice-wise in GSTR-1

  • There can be instances where reporting of supplies under the wrong table in GSTR-1, but correctly reporting the same when declaring it in GSTR-3B

Guide to Download GSTR 3B vs GSTR 1 vs Books Report

Step 1 : Select GSTR 3B vs 1 vs Books Reports

For selecting the reports, log into ClearTax GST, select the 'Business' tab

Then click on the 'Reports' tab and select 'GSTR 3B vs 1 vs Books Reports'

You can also access 'GSTR 3B vs 1 vs Books Reports' by clicking on Reports tab directly when logged into ClearTax GST

Step 2: Click on 'GSTN'

Step 3: Download GSTR-1/3B data from GSTN

Click on ‘Download data from GSTN’ to pull data from GSTN. The yearly data from the GSTN will be fetched after verification via OTP-based login credentials

Select the ‘Financial Year’ . Go to ‘Download GSTR-1 Data’ and ‘Download GSTR-3B data’ and click on ‘Download GSTR-1/3B data from GSTN’ respectively. Enable connection with GSTN by clicking on ‘Connect to GSTN’ incase the OTP is inactive

Step 5: Download Report

You can download the report by clicking on the ‘Download Report’ in Excel format

Guide to Match GSTR-3B vs 1 vs Books Report in Overall Summary

PART A : Outward Supplies as per GSTR 3B

Step 1: Download GSTR 3B Filed Report

Download GSTR 3B Filed Report for relevant Return Periods and identify Table 3.1 ‘Details of Outward Supplies and inward supplies liable to reverse charge’

Step 2: Match relevant sections for each Return Period

Match relevant sections of Table 3.1 ‘Details of Outward Supplies and inward supplies liable to reverse charge’ with those of ‘PART A’ of the ‘GSTR 3B vs GSTR-1 vs Books Report’ for each Return Period

  • The following values will be included or excluded as per relevant sections of Table 3.1 ‘Details of Outward Supplies and inward supplies liable to reverse charge’ as falling under major tax heads and taxable value

  • To arrive at the value in ‘PART A’ of the ‘GSTR 3B vs GSTR-1 vs Books’ report , including or excluding the figures in the following table will render the required figures net of all documents i.e Invoice + Debit Notes - Credit Notes

PART B : Outward Supplies as per GSTR 1

Step 1 : Download the GSTR 1 Filed Report

Download the GSTR 1 Filed Report for relevant Return Periods

Step 2 : Get Taxable value for Return period

To arrive at the figure of Taxable value for each Return period , add the Taxable value of all the relevant sections as per GSTR-1 Filed Report as indicated in the following table

To arrive at the figure of Tax amount of major tax heads i.e IGST,CGST and SGST for each Return period , add the Tax amounts of all the relevant sections as per GSTR-1 Filed Report as indicated in the following table

Step 3: Identify Amendments and Original documents

To identify the Amendments related to previous months in GSTR-1 Filed report, look up all sections related to amendments i.e B2BA , B2CLA , B2CSA , EXPA , CDNRA , ATA , ATADJA and CDNURA

To identify the Original documents corresponding to such amendments in GSTR-1 Filed report , look up all sections related to original documents i.e B2B , B2CL , B2CS , EXP , CDNR , AT , ATADJ and CDNUR as per the ‘Original Invoice Number’ and ‘Original Invoice Date’ mentioned in the amendment document

Step 4:- Map and compare Amendments

Look up the amendments as per GSTR-1 Filed report and map to (c) (i) Amendment Value as identified in the previous step for each Return Period

Also, look up the Original Value pertaining to such amendments as in the previous step and map them to (c) (ii) Original Value in the same Return Period in which the amendment has been made

Take the net of amendment documents [ AMENDMENT - ORIGINAL ]

Part C : Outward Supplies as per Books

Step 1 : Import data into ClearTax portal

Incase data is not already present, navigate to ‘GSTR-1/3B Return’ flow to import data into ClearTax portal

Step 2: Select Template

Step 3: Select Import Your Data

After selecting the appropriate period, Select ‘Import Your Data’

Step 4 : Re-generate Report

After successfully importing data, navigate back to ‘MTSG GSTR-3B vs 1 vs Books Report’ ,you can ‘Re-generate report’ from ‘Fix it now’ Drop down in the report

Guide to fix discrepancies in GSTR-3B/1/Books data


Last updated