Import Data
Learn how to import data into the ClearTax software by following a few simple steps
Guide to Import Data using ClearTax Software
Step 1: Login to ClearTax GST
Login to ClearTax GST and select ‘Import Data’ to import data into ClearTax

Step 2: Select Business
Select a ‘Business’ for which you want to generate your invoice.

Step 3: Select Return Period & Document Type
Select the ‘Return Period’ & the ‘Document Type’ for which the data needs to be imported. Then click ‘Continue’ to proceed further.

Step 4: Select Method to Import Data

You can import data into ClearTax using the following methods
Government Tally/JSON Template
Government Excel Template
Sales Data
Purchase Data
Here Just choose the Government Excel which is the standard excel sheet.

Click on ‘Select file from your computer’ button to proceed
You can also download the Government Excel Format from ClearTax

Click on ‘Advanced Options for Selecting Sheets’. In case you want to upload a CSV file, click on ‘Advanced Options for Selecting Sheets’ and select the sheet you want to upload. Please note, only one sheet can be selected at a time
Step 5: Proceed to Import Data

Step 6: Review Errors
If some of the documents imported have errors then select the tab that shows errors .Under the ‘Errors’ column hover to find the reason. You can correct the errors in this screen by editing the details.Now click on ‘Save and Validate’ button to proceed.

Step 7: Continue without Fixing Errors
You can also skip fixing the Errors by clicking on the ‘Continue without Fixing’ button
If you skip fixing the errors, those invoices will not be reflected in the data imported

Step 8: Correct Errors
Click on ‘Fix errors now’ button to correct the errors immediately.Click on ‘Yes, I’ll continue later’ button to proceed without fixing the errors

Your data is now ready to used to file your returns, generate reports and more
Click on ‘Proceed’ to file your Returns

ClearTax Excel Template
Learn how to import data using the ClearTax Excel Template
Sales Data
Purchase Data
Step 5: Add Custom Template
Click on ‘add your own custom template’ option

Step 6: Create Customer Mapper
Under ‘Upload a file’, select one of the templates from the drop-down box to create your own Custom Mapper

Step 7: Select Invoice Type
Select the ‘Invoice Type’. Click on ‘Choose File’ to upload a file containing the invoice details generated from your ERP. Click on ‘Create Mapping’ to create your own custom template

Step 8: Map Headers
Map your headers with the ClearTax headers. Complete mapping of all the mandatory headers. Click on ‘Save mapped fields’ to proceed further

Review the mapped fields & click on ‘Looks good, confirm it’ to proceed further

Step 9: Save template
Name your template & click on ‘Save Template’ to save your custom template

Step 10: Choose Template
Under ‘Choose a Template’ option, select the Custom Template created then click on ‘Select file from your computer’ button to proceed. Please wait while your data is being imported & processed

Congratulations! Your data is now successfully imported into ClearTax
Click on ‘Proceed’ to continue

Step 11: Review Errors
If some of the documents imported have errors, select the tab that shows errors, under the ‘Errors’ column hover to find the reason. You can correct the errors in this screen by editing the details. Click on ‘Save and Validate’ button to proceed.You can also skip fixing the errors by clicking on the ‘Continue without fixing’ button
If you skip fixing the errors, those invoices will not be reflected in the data imported

Step 12: Correct Errors
Click on ‘Fix errors now’ button to correct the errors immediately. Click on ‘Yes, I’ll continue later’ button to proceed without fixing the errors

Congratulations! Your data has been successfully imported
Click on 'Proceed’ button to file your Return

Step 13: Select the return you want to file
Select the return you want to file & follow the steps below:

Government Tally/JSON Template
Under ‘Choose a method to import your data’, select JSON file to import your data.
Step 4: Select the method to import the data
Under ‘Choose a method to import your data’ , Select ‘JSON file’ to import the data.

Step 5: Select the file and upload the JSON file
Click on ‘Select file from your computer’ button to proceed
Learn how to generate a JSON file from Tally 4

The ‘File upload error’ message will appear in case there is some error in the JSON file upload Now Correct errors in the JSON file to try again.
Click on ‘Select file from your computer’ button to try again

Step 6: Select on Proceed to continue
Congratulations!! Your data is now successfully imported into ClearTax
Click on ‘Proceed’ button.

Step 7: Select the Return you want to file
Select the return you want to file & follow the steps below:

E-Commerce Excel Template
Learn how to import data by following these steps
Step 2: Click on ‘Upload Excel’
Under the ‘Prepare your data’ tab, click on ‘Upload Excel

Step 3: Upload MTR file
Choose ‘Template for Amazon sellers’ and upload MTR file

Step 4: Validate the Data and make correction
If a bill has any error, the cell where an incorrect detail has been filled will be highlighted in red colour. Click on the highlighted cell and fill the right information.

Your data is ready for GSTR 1 in ClearTax GST.After you have fixed all errors, click on ‘Revalidate’

Step 5: Click on “Auto Compute” to get the values

Click on Confirm

Step 6: Save the data auto-populated
As you can see all values have been auto populated. Click on “Save”

Once you save the data, values will be available under “Prepare Data”. Now you are ready to proceed towards uploading invoices.

Customized Excel Template (Use your own template)
Learn how to import data using Customized Excel Template
Step 4: Select Custom Excel Template
Click on ‘Custom Excel Template’ to prepare your own Excel Template

Step 5: Choose your own template
Click on ‘Click here to add your own custom template’ option

Step 6: Select one Template
Under ‘Upload a file’.Select one of the templates from the drop-down box to create your own Custom Mapper

Step 7: Choose File to create mapping
Select the ‘Invoice Type’ → Click on ‘Choose File’ to upload a file containing the invoice details generated from your ERP → Click on ‘Create Mapping’ to create your own custom template.

Map your headers with the ClearTax headers. Complete mapping of all the mandatory headers. Click on ‘Save mapped fields’ to proceed further

Step 8: Review the Mapped fields
Review the mapped fields & click on ‘Looks good, confirm it’ button to proceed further

Name your Template & click on ‘Save Template’ to save your custom template

Step 9: Select the Custom Template created
Under ‘Choose a Template’ option ,select the Custom Template created.Click on ‘Select file from your computer’ button to proceed.

Please wait while your data is being imported & processed

Congratulations!! Your data is now successfully imported into ClearTax
Click on ‘Proceed’ to continue

Step 10: Review Errors
If some of the documents imported have errors.Select the Tab that shows Errors, Under the ‘Errors’ column hover to find the reason. You can correct the errors in this screen by editing the details ,click on ‘Save and Validate’ button to proceed

You can also skip fixing the Errors by clicking on the ‘Continue without Fixing’ button.
If you skip fixing the errors, those invoices will not be reflected in the data imported.

Step 11: Fixing Errors
Click on ‘Fix errors now’ button to correct the errors immediately ,click on ‘Yes, I’ll continue later’ button to proceed without fixing the errors.

Congratulations!!! Your data has been successfully imported
Click on ‘Proceed’ button to file your Returns

Import Data using ClearTax Template
Learn how to import data using Cleartax Template
Step 5: Select file and upload
Click on ‘Choose a Template’ to select a ClearTax Template ,click on ’Select file from your computer’ to select a file
In case you want to download a ClearTax Template, click on ‘Download’ option to download the required Template

Please wait while your data is being imported & processed.

Congratulations!! Your data is now successfully imported into ClearTax
Click on ‘Proceed’ to continue.

Step 6: Review Errors
If some of the documents imported have errors ,select the tabs that shows errors . Under the ‘Errors’ column hover to find the reason. You can correct the errors in this screen by editing the details then Click on ‘Save and Validate’ button to proceed.

You can also skip fixing the Errors by clicking on the ‘Continue without Fixing’ button
If you skip fixing the errors, those invoices will not be reflected in the data imported

Step 7: Fix errors
Click on ‘Fix errors now’ button to correct the errors immediately ,click on ‘Yes, I’ll continue later’ button to proceed without fixing the errors

Congratulations!!! Your data has been successfully imported
Click on ‘Proceed’ button to file your Returns

Step 8: Select the return you want to file
Select the return you want to file & follow the steps below:

Tally Connector
Step 5: Choose a method
Under ‘Choose a method to import your data’, select ‘Tally’

Step 6: Select Tally Connector
Click on ‘Tally Connector’ to directly connect your tally & import data into ClearTax. Click here to learn how to configure tally connector to import data.

The ClearTax GST Desktop app will establish a connection with Tally.

The following can be reasons if there is an error while connecting the ClearTax Desktop App & Tally:
If the Tally is running on another machine, enter it’s ip address in Tally host & click on the ‘Retry’ button.

If the Tally is running on another port, enter the port number in Tally port & click on the ‘Retry’ button.

In case your Firewall is blocking Tally ,click on ‘Go to Guide’ button & follow the steps to resolve the same.

In case there is another issue while establishing a connection ,click on ‘Raise a request for support’ button to get in touch with our support team or you can also use the ‘Tally Excel Report’.
In case you are facing issues while connecting with Tally, follow these steps 21to check your Anti-virus & Windows defender configuration.

Congratulations!! ClearTax GST Desktop app is now successfully connected with Tally.

In case more than one company is detected with the same GSTIN ,select the desired company. Click on ‘Proceed’ button

Step 7: Import data
Select the Period for which you want to import data ,once done, click on ‘Start importing data’ button to import the data.

Before importing data from Tally, make sure the same Business/GSTIN is open in Tally. If not, then go to Tally & open the business for which you want to import data. Then go back to the Desktop app & click on the ‘Retry’ button.

In case the data cannot be imported, make sure:
Tally is open & running in the background
Check if your internet connection is working

Click on the ‘Settings’ button to configure the ‘ODBC port number’ & ‘Host Server’ settings. Click on the ‘Reconnect’ button to proceed.

After successful connection with Tally, the ClearTax GST Desktop app will start importing data from Tally for the selected period.

You can now work on different tabs in the ClearTax GST Desktop App. Click on ‘ctrl+t’ to open a tab. Please ensure that the Tally connector is being used in only one tab. Using the same in multiple tabs might lead to failure.

Step 8: Review Errors
Once the data is pulled, if there are any errors, you can click on the ‘Download Error Log’ button to view the errors in the invoices/CDNs in an excel format. You can also choose to ignore the errors & ‘proceed to file’.

Open the Excel sheet to view the errors in detail. You can rectify the errors in Tally against the respective invoices/CDNs.

Once the errors are rectified ,go back to the Desktop app & under the ‘Import data’ tab. Choose the ‘Business’, select the ‘Return period’ & the ‘Document type’ , click on ‘Tally’ option to import data.Select ‘Tally Connector’ to import your data.

Now all the Data is successfully imported, click on ‘Proceed to file’ to file your GST Returns.

Last updated