GSTR-2B vs PR Recon
The advanced ClearGST solution provides GSTR-2B vs Purchase Register (PR) reconciliation at the GSTIN and PAN levels.
The GSTR-2B vs PR reconciliation tool helps you match and reconcile the Input Tax Credit (ITC), make ITC claims, share the discrepancies observed in reconciliation results with vendors and finally, auto-fills Table-4 of GSTR-3B.
With the advanced, enterprise-grade ClearGST solution, you can ensure notice-free compliance!
Our GST solution comes with the below smart reconciliation features:
Download the GSTR-2B data across months in seconds at scale
3x faster and detects 100% input tax credits with AI-powered reconciliations
Match invoices by suppliers under multiple GSTINs for a PAN
Following are the steps to do 2B vs PR reconciliation.
Step 1: Accessing the GSTR-2B vs PR reconciliation feature
Step 1. 1: Select ‘Reconciliation’ from the menu on the homepage.
Step 1.2: Choose the ‘2B vs Purchase Register’ option under the ‘Reconciliations’ tab.
Step 1.3: You may access the ‘2B vs PR’ reconciliation from GSTR 3B Filling Page by clicking the ‘Run Recon’ button.
Step 2: Initiating the reconciliation
Step 2.1: Select the business and the return period to begin the reconciliation.
Pro tip: For subscribers of the GST Ultimate plan of ClearGST 2.0, this reconciliation can be run at a PAN level to save time.
Step 2.2: Click ‘Update Data’ to download/import the relevant data to run the reconciliation.
Step 2.3: Click ‘Connect’ and enter the government portal credentials to download the GSTR-2B data from the GST portal.
Step 2.4: Import the Purchase Register (If the data has not been imported yet).
Pro tip: You can add custom fields as part of your Purchase Register data and download the same as part of the Recon Excel report. For example, you can add the voucher number and batch number fields as additional columns as part of the Purchase Register data.
Step 2.5: Once the data has been updated, click ‘Run Reconciliation’ to launch the reconciliation.
Step 3: Viewing the reconciliation results
Once the reconciliation is completed, the results are categorized into exact match, suggested match, mismatch and missing buckets. The categories are explained below:
Exact Match: This section contains documents with details, such as invoice number, invoice date, taxable value, tax value, place of supply, return period, etc., exactly match between the PR and GSTR-2B.
Suggested Match: Documents matched with AI/Fuzzy logic-based reconciliation will be categorized under suggested match. Also, documents with minor differences in field details will be categorized under ‘Suggested match’. For example, there is a +/- Re.1 difference in the tax/ taxable value.
Mismatch: Documents with major differences in field details will be categorised under ‘Mismatched’. For example, the taxable and tax value differences are greater than +/- Re.1, mismatch in Supplier GSTIN, place of supply, etc.
Missing: This section contains invoices that are missing on either side, i.e. Purchase Register or in GSTR-2B.
Summary view
You can view a match status-wise summary of reconciliation results in the summary view.
You can download the reconciliation report by clicking on ‘Download report’ from the actions menu.
Also, you can initiate a new reconciliation by clicking on ‘Run new recon’ from the ‘Actions’ menu.
Document view
You can view the document-level reconciliation results.
Data snapshots, including the data source, number of documents, taxable value, tax value, and tax difference, are available under the ‘Document view’ tab.
Vendor view
The vendor-wise summary of reconciliation results is available under the ‘Vendor view’ tab.
Step 4: Sharing reconciliation results with vendors
Step 4.1: You can email reconciliation results to one or multiple vendors in a single click.
Step 4.2: Select the vendors to whom you want to communicate.
Step 4.3: Click on the ‘Send Email’ option.
Step 4.4: Select the destination email address from the contact master.
Step 4.5: You can add your vendor contact details to contact the master in bulk. Also you can manually add the email address as well.
Step 4.6: Mention the reply email [under From field] address in which you would like to receive the replies from your vendors.
Step 4.7: You can modify the content of the email. You can also use the filters to share only the required data with your vendor.
Step 4.8: In the Vendor view mode, you can add remarks in bulk at a vendor level by clicking on the icon under the ‘Remarks’ column.
Step 4.9: You can download customer-level reconciliation results data by selecting a specific client.
Step 4.10: You can also share the reconciled report internally within your team/ with CFO.
Step 4.11: Click on the ‘Show/hide columns’ option to view only some specific columns.
Step 4.12: Apply filters to check the data based on the PAN, GSTIN, etc.
Step 5: Taking actions based on reconciliation results
You can take any of the below five actions at a document/vendor level:
Claim ITC
Use this action to claim your ITC on the eligible documents.
You can accept the ITC as per your PR or GSTR-2B.
You will also be able to choose the month on which you wish to claim this ITC & customize the percentage of the ITC claim amount as well.
Based on your actions, Table-4 of GSTR-3B will be auto-prepared.
ITC Pending
Use this action to claim ITC later for the documents. For example, if you are yet to receive the goods/ observe discrepancies between PR & GSTR-2B, etc.,
Documents marked as ITC pending will be automatically considered for subsequent reconciliations irrespective of the return period duration selected.
ITC Reversed
Use this action to reverse the previously claimed ITC on documents. For example, ITC incorrectly claimed/ ITC reversal due to non-payment within 180 days, etc.
Based on your actions, Table-4 of GSTR-3B will be auto-prepared.
ITC Ineligible
Use this action on the documents on which the ITC claim is not eligible.
Use this action on cases where the invoice has been incorrectly filed against your GSTIN in GSTR-1 and hence reflected in GSTR-2B. You can reject such documents in GSTR-2B.
Step 5.1: Take action on any individual invoice or invoices in bulk under the ‘Document view’ tab.
Step 5.2: You can check the line item level details from the sales invoices by clicking on the invoice.
Pro tip: Under ‘Document view’, you can add remarks to any individual invoice or in bulk, which can be downloaded in Excel too.
Step 5.3: You can add remarks to single or multiple invoices.
Step 5.4: You can also filter the documents based on document number, tax difference range, document date, return period, ITC claim month etc, with the filters option available.
Pro tip: Under ‘Document view’, you can check a complete audit trail of individual documents. This feature is available for GST ultimate license users.
Step 5.5: Click the history icon to check the actions taken & status changes on an invoice.
Step 5.6: View all the previous actions & status changes on a particular invoice.
Step 5.7: Click the ‘Link’ option to link the missing documents on either side manually. One or multiple documents on GSTR-2B can be linked with one or multiple documents on PR.
For example, if there are five invoices in GSTR-2B, but you have booked a single purchase invoice in your ERP, you can link those five GSTR-2B invoices with the single purchase invoice of your PR and claim ITC credit on that.
Step 5.8: When clicking the ‘Link’ option, you will get suggestions for linking the invoices.
Step 5.9: Select the invoice you want to link and click on save the action.
Step 5.10: You can use the search option to search any specific document with document no.
Step 5.11: Click on the save button to complete the linking of the invoice.
Step 5.12: You can view all the linked invoices.
Sep 5.13: You can use the ‘Delink’ option to de-link the already linked documents.
For example, if, as per you, a particular invoice of 2B and PR matching is incorrect, the same can be delinked.
Step 6: Auto-filling Table-4 of GSTR-3B
Once you have finished taking action on your 2B vs PR reconciliation results, you can use the same to auto-fill Table-4 of the GSTR-3B form by clicking on ‘View 3B (Table 4)’.
Step 6.1: Click on View 3B (Table 4) to auto-prepare Table 4 of GSTR 3B.
Step 6.2: A detailed Table 4 snapshot with values in all tables will be available.
Step 6.3: Click ‘Re-generate Table 4’ if you have updated actions on your reconciliation results after the last Table 4 generation.
Step 6.4: You can download the Table 4 data in Excel by clicking the download report. This report provides a detailed document-level calculation trail for Table-4 values & their calculation.
Step 6.5: Click Continue to GSTR-3B to update the Table 4 values to the GSTR-3B form.
Step 6.6: In Table 4 of the GSTR-3B form, you can fill only the specific rows for which you have selected the source as 2B vs PR reconciliation, or you can fill all the rows with the reconciliation results using the options suggested.
Last updated