(Deprecated) Bills of Supply
GST 1.0 APIs are deprecated and will not be supported after 30-11-2022. If you want to integrate with ClearTax GST, please use GST 2.0 APIs instead.
A bill of supply is a document of transaction that is different from a normal tax invoice. These bills do not contain any tax amount, as input tax cannot be charged in these cases.
Resource Objects
Bill of supply Object
The request and response objects are same as invoice objects except the following.
Parameter | Type | Field Validation | Description |
supply_num | String | Mandatory. Document Number |
Get a Bill of Supply
You can get a bill of supply by submitting a GET request to the GST API:
URL Query String
Request Parameter
Parameters | Parameters Type | Type | Description |
X-Cleartax-Auth-Token | Header | String | Mandatory. The auth token generated from ClearTax user id and password. |
taxable_entity_id | Path | String | Required. This is the unique ID associated with the GSTIN in your account. |
bill_of_supply_id | Path | String | Required. Unique bill of supply ID. |
Sample Request
Sample Response
"supply_num": "NEWTESTBOS001",
"type": "SALE",
"ref_doc_number": "reference number",
"due_date": "2021-09-30",
"seller": {
"name": "GSTIN1",
"gstin": "29AAACJ0988P1ZT",
"address": "",
"city": "",
"state": "KARNATAKA",
"zip_code": "560027",
"country": null,
"trade_name": null,
"legal_name": null,
"gstin_filing_frequency": null,
"gstin_status": null,
"taxpayer_type": null,
"phone_number": null,
"is_regular_gst_registration": null
"receiver": {
"name": "customer name",
"gstin": "29AAFCD5862R1ZR",
"address": "",
"city": "",
"state": "KARNATAKA",
"zip_code": "560027",
"country": null,
"trade_name": null,
"legal_name": null,
"gstin_filing_frequency": null,
"gstin_status": null,
"taxpayer_type": null,
"phone_number": null,
"is_regular_gst_registration": null
"consignee": {
"name": "customer name",
"gstin": "",
"address": "",
"city": "",
"state": null,
"zip_code": "",
"country": null,
"trade_name": null,
"legal_name": null,
"gstin_filing_frequency": null,
"gstin_status": null,
"taxpayer_type": null,
"phone_number": null,
"is_regular_gst_registration": null
"nil_rated_val": 100.00,
"exempted_val": null,
"non_gst_supply_val": null,
"supply_from_composition_dealer_val": null,
"notes": "CUSTOMER NOTES",
"due_balance": null,
"transaction_payment_status": null,
"line_items": [
"item_code": null,
"gst_code": "8466",
"gst_type": "GOODS",
"description": "ITEM1",
"notes": null,
"unit_price": 100.00,
"unit_price_including_tax": null,
"unit_of_measurement": "BGS",
"item_id": null,
"serial_number": 1,
"quantity": 1.0,
"discount_rate": null,
"discount": null,
"taxable_val": 100.00,
"cgst_rate": 0.00,
"cgst_val": 0.00,
"sgst_rate": 0.00,
"sgst_val": 0.00,
"igst_rate": 0.00,
"igst_val": 0.00,
"cess_rate": 0.00,
"cess_val": 0.00,
"total_val": 100.00,
"customer_billing_gstin": null,
"export_type": null,
"import_type": null,
"reverse_charge": null,
"is_gst_applicable": null,
"zero_tax_category": "NILRATED",
"tax_details": {
"sgst": 0.00,
"cgst": 0.00,
"igst": 0.00,
"cess": 0.00,
"total": 0.00,
"taxableVal": 100.00
"ignored_warnings": null,
"owner": "1984bd22-2a81-414a-9186-e0fea43659df",
"id": "NEWTESTBOS001",
"transaction_date": "2021-09-30",
"return_period": "092021",
"quarterly_return_period": "152021",
"total_taxable_val": 100.00,
"total_cgst_val": 0.00,
"total_sgst_val": 0.00,
"total_igst_val": 0.00,
"total_cess_val": 0.00,
"total_val": 100.00,
"place_of_supply": "KARNATAKA",
"updated_at": "2021-10-01",
"is_amendment": false,
"amendment_detail": null,
"created_at": "2021-10-01",
"section_name": "NIL",
"fiscal_year": "2021",
"fiscal_month": "SEPTEMBER",
"fiscal_quarter": "Q2",
"total_tax_value": 0.00,
"source": "USER",
"discount_type": null,
"gst_status": "NA",
"gst_validation_errors": null,
"user_updated_at": "2021-10-01",
"uploaded_once": false,
"is_canceled": false,
"is_rate_inclusive_of_tax": false,
"rounding_factor": null,
"date_of_purchase": "2021-09-30",
"validate_warnings": false,
"seller_contact_id": null,
"consignee_contact_id": null,
"receiver_contact_id": null,
"customer_type": null,
"supplier_type": null,
"entity_channel_type": null,
"is_party_export": null,
"is_party_sez": null,
"is_party_consumer": null,
"is_party_unregistered": null,
"is_party_cash_ledger": null,
"is_taxable_value_overridden": null,
"total_kerala_flood_cess": null,
"differential_tax": null,
"terms_and_conditions": "Terms and conditions",
"document_number": "NEWTESTBOS001",
"original_doc_num": null,
"place_of_supply_display_name": "Karnataka",
"is_amended": false,
"bank_details": {
"account_number": "123",
"bank_name": "BANK NAME",
"branch_name": "BRANCHNAME",
"ifsc_code": "IFSCCODE",
"swift_code": null
"custom_fields": null,
"version_num": 1
"errors": {
"err_1": {
"code": "404",
"message": "Bill of supply with id INV-tes does not exist.",
"error_group_code": 0,
"error_id": 0
Get Bills of Supply
You can get multiple bill of supply's by submitting a GET request to the GST API:
URL Query String
Request Parameter
Parameters | Parameters Type | Type | Description |
taxable_entity_id | Path | String | Required. This is the unique ID associated with the GSTIN in your account. |
source | Query | String | USER, GOVERNMENT |
return_period | Query | String | Return period in the format MMYYYY |
start_date | Query | String | Start date by which you need to filter |
end_date | Query | String | End date by which you need to filter |
seller_gstin | Query | Array | Seller GSTIN number |
buyer_gstin | Query | Array | Buyer GSTIN number |
invoice_direction | Query | ENUM | SALE, PURCHASE |
id | Query | Array | Unique Transaction ID |
is_ammended | Query | Boolean | TRUE, FALSE |
start | Query | String | Default: 0 /used for pagination |
limit | Query | String | Default: 20 / number of invoices to limit in the response |
Sample Request
If you receive an empty array [] in the response with HTTP status code 200, it means there are no invoices in ClearTax matching the filters specified in the query parameters.
Sample Response
"supply_num": "NEWTESTBOS001",
"type": "SALE",
"ref_doc_number": "reference number",
"due_date": "2021-09-30",
"seller": {
"name": "GSTIN1",
"gstin": "29AAACJ0988P1ZT",
"address": "",
"city": "",
"state": "KARNATAKA",
"zip_code": "560027",
"country": null,
"trade_name": null,
"legal_name": null,
"gstin_filing_frequency": null,
"gstin_status": null,
"taxpayer_type": null,
"phone_number": null,
"is_regular_gst_registration": null
"receiver": {
"name": "customer name",
"gstin": "29AAFCD5862R1ZR",
"address": "",
"city": "",
"state": "KARNATAKA",
"zip_code": "560027",
"country": null,
"trade_name": null,
"legal_name": null,
"gstin_filing_frequency": null,
"gstin_status": null,
"taxpayer_type": null,
"phone_number": null,
"is_regular_gst_registration": null
"consignee": {
"name": "customer name",
"gstin": "",
"address": "",
"city": "",
"state": null,
"zip_code": "",
"country": null,
"trade_name": null,
"legal_name": null,
"gstin_filing_frequency": null,
"gstin_status": null,
"taxpayer_type": null,
"phone_number": null,
"is_regular_gst_registration": null
"nil_rated_val": 100.00,
"exempted_val": null,
"non_gst_supply_val": null,
"supply_from_composition_dealer_val": null,
"notes": "CUSTOMER NOTES",
"due_balance": null,
"transaction_payment_status": null,
"line_items": [
"item_code": null,
"gst_code": "8466",
"gst_type": "GOODS",
"description": "ITEM1",
"notes": null,
"unit_price": 100.00,
"unit_price_including_tax": null,
"unit_of_measurement": "BGS",
"item_id": null,
"serial_number": 1,
"quantity": 1.0,
"discount_rate": null,
"discount": null,
"taxable_val": 100.00,
"cgst_rate": 0.00,
"cgst_val": 0.00,
"sgst_rate": 0.00,
"sgst_val": 0.00,
"igst_rate": 0.00,
"igst_val": 0.00,
"cess_rate": 0.00,
"cess_val": 0.00,
"total_val": 100.00,
"customer_billing_gstin": null,
"export_type": null,
"import_type": null,
"reverse_charge": null,
"is_gst_applicable": null,
"zero_tax_category": "NILRATED",
"tax_details": {
"sgst": 0.00,
"cgst": 0.00,
"igst": 0.00,
"cess": 0.00,
"total": 0.00,
"taxableVal": 100.00
"ignored_warnings": null,
"owner": "1984bd22-2a81-414a-9186-e0fea43659df",
"id": "NEWTESTBOS001",
"transaction_date": "2021-09-30",
"return_period": "092021",
"quarterly_return_period": "152021",
"total_taxable_val": 100.00,
"total_cgst_val": 0.00,
"total_sgst_val": 0.00,
"total_igst_val": 0.00,
"total_cess_val": 0.00,
"total_val": 100.00,
"place_of_supply": "KARNATAKA",
"updated_at": "2021-10-01",
"is_amendment": false,
"amendment_detail": null,
"created_at": "2021-10-01",
"section_name": "NIL",
"fiscal_year": "2021",
"fiscal_month": "SEPTEMBER",
"fiscal_quarter": "Q2",
"total_tax_value": 0.00,
"source": "USER",
"discount_type": null,
"gst_status": "NA",
"gst_validation_errors": null,
"user_updated_at": "2021-10-01",
"uploaded_once": false,
"is_canceled": false,
"is_rate_inclusive_of_tax": false,
"rounding_factor": null,
"date_of_purchase": "2021-09-30",
"validate_warnings": false,
"seller_contact_id": null,
"consignee_contact_id": null,
"receiver_contact_id": null,
"customer_type": null,
"supplier_type": null,
"entity_channel_type": null,
"is_party_export": null,
"is_party_sez": null,
"is_party_consumer": null,
"is_party_unregistered": null,
"is_party_cash_ledger": null,
"is_taxable_value_overridden": null,
"total_kerala_flood_cess": null,
"differential_tax": null,
"terms_and_conditions": "Terms and conditions",
"document_number": "NEWTESTBOS001",
"original_doc_num": null,
"place_of_supply_display_name": "Karnataka",
"is_amended": false,
"bank_details": {
"account_number": "123",
"bank_name": "BANK NAME",
"branch_name": "BRANCHNAME",
"ifsc_code": "IFSCCODE",
"swift_code": null
"custom_fields": null,
"version_num": 1
"code": 400,
"message": "query param invoice_direction must be one of [SALE, PURCHASE]"
Add a Bill of Supply
You can add a bill of supply by submitting a PUT request to the GST API:
URL Query String
Request Parameter
Parameters | Parameters Type | Type | Description |
X-Cleartax-Auth-Token | Header | String | Mandatory. The auth token generated from ClearTax user id and password. |
taxable_entity_id | Path | String | Required. This is the unique ID associated with the GSTIN in your account. |
bill_of_supply_id | Path | String | Required. Unique bill of supply ID. |
Sample Request
Sample Payload
"source": "USER",
"id": "NEWTESTBOS001",
"supply_num": "NEWTESTBOS001",
"type": "SALE",
"due_date": "2021-09-30",
"transaction_date": "2021-09-30",
"place_of_supply": "KARNATAKA",
"return_period": "092021",
"quarterly_return_period": "152021",
"reverse_charge_applicable": false,
"total_taxable_val": 100.00,
"total_cgst_val": 0,
"total_sgst_val": 0,
"total_igst_val": 0,
"total_cess_val": 0.00,
"total_val": 100.00,
"total_val_foreign_currency": null,
"line_items": [
"serial_number": 1,
"zero_tax_category": "NILRATED",
"description": "ITEM1",
"notes": null,
"quantity": 1.0,
"unit_price": 100.00,
"unit_of_measurement": "BGS",
"taxable_val": 100.00,
"cgst_rate": 0,
"cgst_val": 0,
"sgst_rate": 0,
"sgst_val": 0,
"igst_rate": 0,
"igst_val": 0,
"cess_rate": 0.00,
"cess_val": 0.00,
"total_val": 100.00,
"gst_code": "8466",
"gst_type": "GOODS",
"discount": null,
"tcs": {
"cgst_rate": null,
"cgst_val": null,
"sgst_rate": null,
"sgst_val": null,
"igst_rate": null,
"igst_val": null,
"cess_rate": null,
"cess_val": null
"tds": {
"cgst_rate": null,
"cgst_val": null,
"sgst_rate": null,
"sgst_val": null,
"igst_rate": null,
"igst_val": null,
"cess_rate": null,
"cess_val": null
"itc_details": {
"itc_type": null,
"itc_claim_percentage": null,
"cgst_total_itc": null,
"sgst_total_itc": null,
"igst_total_itc": null,
"cess_total_itc": null,
"cgst_claimed_itc": null,
"sgst_claimed_itc": null,
"igst_claimed_itc": null,
"cess_claimed_itc": null
"seller": {
"name": "GSTIN1",
"gstin": "29AAACJ0988P1ZT",
"address": "",
"city": "",
"state": "KARNATAKA",
"zip_code": "560027",
"country": "",
"phone_number": ""
"receiver": {
"name": "customer name",
"gstin": "29AAFCD5862R1ZR",
"address": "",
"city": "",
"state": "KARNATAKA",
"zip_code": "560027",
"country": "",
"phone_number": ""
"consignee": {
"name": "customer name",
"gstin": "",
"address": "",
"city": "",
"state": null,
"zip_code": "",
"country": "",
"trade_name": null,
"legal_name": null,
"phone_number": ""
"bank_details": {
"account_number": "123",
"bank_name": "BANK NAME",
"branch_name": "BRANCHNAME",
"ifsc_code": "IFSCCODE",
"swift_code": null
"ecommerce": {
"ecommerce_operator": null,
"merchant_id": null
"isd": {
"original_supplier": null,
"isd": null
"advance_payments": [
"document_number": null,
"document_date": null,
"adjustment_val": null
"custom_fields": null,
"is_amendment": false,
"amendment_detail": null,
"is_amended": false,
"original_invoice_number": null,
"original_invoice_date": null,
"original_invoice_gstin": null,
"ref_doc_number": "reference number",
"date_of_purchase": "2021-09-30",
"tcs_applicable": null,
"tds_applicable": null,
"country_of_supply": null,
"customer_type": null,
"supplier_type": null,
"auto_populated_to_refunds": true,
"supplier_claiming_refund": null,
"rounding_factor": null,
"flag_for_supply": null,
"notes": "CUSTOMER NOTES",
"terms_and_conditions": "Terms and conditions"
Sample Response
"supply_num": "NEWTESTBOS001",
"type": "SALE",
"ref_doc_number": "reference number",
"due_date": "2021-09-30",
"seller": {
"name": "GSTIN1",
"gstin": "29AAACJ0988P1ZT",
"address": "",
"city": "",
"state": "KARNATAKA",
"zip_code": "560027",
"country": null,
"trade_name": null,
"legal_name": null,
"gstin_filing_frequency": null,
"gstin_status": null,
"taxpayer_type": null,
"phone_number": null,
"is_regular_gst_registration": null
"receiver": {
"name": "customer name",
"gstin": "29AAFCD5862R1ZR",
"address": "",
"city": "",
"state": "KARNATAKA",
"zip_code": "560027",
"country": null,
"trade_name": null,
"legal_name": null,
"gstin_filing_frequency": null,
"gstin_status": null,
"taxpayer_type": null,
"phone_number": null,
"is_regular_gst_registration": null
"consignee": {
"name": "customer name",
"gstin": "",
"address": "",
"city": "",
"state": null,
"zip_code": "",
"country": null,
"trade_name": null,
"legal_name": null,
"gstin_filing_frequency": null,
"gstin_status": null,
"taxpayer_type": null,
"phone_number": null,
"is_regular_gst_registration": null
"nil_rated_val": 100.00,
"exempted_val": null,
"non_gst_supply_val": null,
"supply_from_composition_dealer_val": null,
"notes": "CUSTOMER NOTES",
"due_balance": 100.00,
"transaction_payment_status": "UNPAID",
"line_items": [
"item_code": null,
"gst_code": "8466",
"gst_type": "GOODS",
"description": "ITEM1",
"notes": null,
"unit_price": 100.00,
"unit_price_including_tax": null,
"unit_of_measurement": "BGS",
"item_id": null,
"serial_number": 1,
"quantity": 1.0,
"discount_rate": null,
"discount": null,
"taxable_val": 100.00,
"cgst_rate": 0.00,
"cgst_val": 0.00,
"sgst_rate": 0.00,
"sgst_val": 0.00,
"igst_rate": 0.00,
"igst_val": 0.00,
"cess_rate": 0.00,
"cess_val": 0.00,
"total_val": 100.00,
"customer_billing_gstin": null,
"export_type": null,
"import_type": null,
"reverse_charge": null,
"is_gst_applicable": null,
"zero_tax_category": "NILRATED",
"tax_details": {
"sgst": 0.00,
"cgst": 0.00,
"igst": 0.00,
"cess": 0.00,
"total": 0.00,
"taxableVal": 100.00
"ignored_warnings": null,
"owner": "1984bd22-2a81-414a-9186-e0fea43659df",
"id": "NEWTESTBOS001",
"transaction_date": "2021-09-30",
"return_period": "092021",
"quarterly_return_period": "152021",
"total_taxable_val": 100.00,
"total_cgst_val": 0.00,
"total_sgst_val": 0.00,
"total_igst_val": 0.00,
"total_cess_val": 0.00,
"total_val": 100.00,
"place_of_supply": "KARNATAKA",
"updated_at": "2021-10-01",
"is_amendment": false,
"amendment_detail": null,
"created_at": "2021-10-01",
"section_name": "NIL",
"fiscal_year": "2021",
"fiscal_month": "SEPTEMBER",
"fiscal_quarter": "Q2",
"total_tax_value": 0.00,
"source": "USER",
"discount_type": null,
"gst_status": "NA",
"gst_validation_errors": null,
"user_updated_at": "2021-10-01",
"uploaded_once": false,
"is_canceled": false,
"is_rate_inclusive_of_tax": false,
"rounding_factor": null,
"date_of_purchase": "2021-09-30",
"validate_warnings": false,
"seller_contact_id": null,
"consignee_contact_id": "eb0e179d-32f9-469d-ae80-dae5cda90dd7",
"receiver_contact_id": "eb0e179d-32f9-469d-ae80-dae5cda90dd7",
"customer_type": null,
"supplier_type": null,
"entity_channel_type": null,
"is_party_export": null,
"is_party_sez": null,
"is_party_consumer": null,
"is_party_unregistered": null,
"is_party_cash_ledger": null,
"is_taxable_value_overridden": null,
"total_kerala_flood_cess": null,
"differential_tax": null,
"terms_and_conditions": "Terms and conditions",
"document_number": "NEWTESTBOS001",
"original_doc_num": null,
"place_of_supply_display_name": "Karnataka",
"is_amended": false,
"bank_details": {
"account_number": "123",
"bank_name": "BANK NAME",
"branch_name": "BRANCHNAME",
"ifsc_code": "IFSCCODE",
"swift_code": null
"custom_fields": null,
"version_num": 0
"errors": {
"err_1": {
"code": "400",
"message": "Unable to parse 200-04-23 as yyyy-MM-dd",
"error_group_code": 0,
"error_id": 0
"error_sources": {
"due_date": {
"error_refs": [
Add Bills of Supply
You can add multiple bills of supply by submitting a PUT request to the GST API:
URL Query String
Request Parameter
Parameters | Parameters Type | Type | Description |