Status Check for Submitted E-Invoice

This API allows you to check the status of your submitted e-invoice to LHDN. It takes the document id as the input and returns the status of the document along with its metadata as part of the response body.

Request Method


Request URL


Rate Limit : 1000 API requests per minute

Request Headers

Request Path Params

Request Query Params

Request Body

There will be no request body for this API.

Sample Request

Request Body


Response Status Codes

Response Schema

Error Details Object

Sample Response (Success)

HTTP Status Code: 200

Response Body

    "ErrorDetails": [],
    "Success": "true",
    "DocumentId": "665f28c2f626dc2cac32abea",
    "Status": "VALID",
    "LongId": "VM9Q54DM9E739A1HWDEEVHZH10tz32Xq1717512387",
    "GovtQrCodeUrl": "",
    "QrCode": "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAASwAAAEsAQAAAABRBrPYAAADMElEQVR4Xu2YW67bMAxEuQPuf5fcAcszdIpEN0D7U4yBWvBNFOm44GsoodF/MyrOla/jwY7xYMd4sGM82DH+N6wiYmYR2dlRGVmZ/GTDjc1TWTWTqGYClZlsuLEKtsZuzOaFlFvJxg0w1gcNwsqYb5y5BzYbWA8+rnTh0R0wkWP/mN0QvIMPR+ot2ISzvo74oayv4x9iO8tQlGV4NpJ52/Rhs0/GZzvVXvhRzPLlow0rBJLScK0r9MLZknS8WFOVU5ZNZ2b2Kk9EY8bozbNIq1Expl4puHr31IE1LYbILp5SUKrtpB8rOh5fKSDJP5L5lLMFW24WUQxFqTrlLJEHVkzmNtoNug1nyRbnoXoDhtHYT/ZnRlCpSZxZH4xY02WQB+WJhENBDpbfVe/ApA3uKhPWlhsh9bw8cGKcGluHBHl2mJJ6pmZMB0dSl03S9x1c0bXPjm1JUpnEl19EHY27sSKKfCYlgIpVpxt2Lya9yPhph7If3fAWn16sKEiWkXGqPLH90rcZoyITfB7YxJ3Gnw8XPFghY0Sjk1ayCW4GN8BK1wEVIhWQvDRrrC5gxIJ6pALwBTkDJcEl6lasSTUxhVSBMpGI6NRmjCxzsSO+Go1oLsiLaXXMJrBUJjHlQx55MaX+glWiMn7d0D9jxJo6pN8Q4j1KKAaYj7L0YPzH4RgvsfBwAP+GvNiMhEM7zSUvCPm2bjdWpHrTjj+FN/Me0Ht4HRhpJraF+QkUnCL8XYAPe7UaeAaLm/RPyTgwPpPwimJ3nUmuyXZM96ekDocnpqoE/tyYBpLB8n3WeoJuxihJTrKRy3yjbHTTWxJujHvU2P3aIaqxgQ3WnBiEcp/0ZnKvAG9hmrFay4MI4wguhW5Wn5KxYNolzSQdd1rHidq1G6MdoxFuw3ndC4izIu3FmICqtcyEuCrChNyPMdvoBlNyriLYfSOGqU0VBq4oxmQ9rsPEi/Hozl57+JJ9Ht5yY9hd9BXCO+kuYWfqfRgdkMY3mkHHhaCTYrgBFkTzqoFkEyeoATPGk9xZ8ATVKLZo6AKMGJYnJrPJJe+Ks/zxYn8cD3aMBzvGgx3jwY7xYMeoX71e3DIZBrOSAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC",
    “qrCodePreSignedUrl”: “”,
    "InternalId": "TEST-SALES-001",
    "DateTimeValidated": "2024-06-04T14:46:28",
    "CancelDateTime": null,
    "RejectRequestTime": null

Sample Response (Error)

HTTP Status Code


Response Body

    "ErrorDetails": [
            "ErrorCode": "300102",
            "ErrorMessage": "You don't have any data present for the selected Document Details",
            "ErrorSource": "CLEARTAX",
            "Path": null

API Validations

  1. A valid document with {document_id} in path params should be present.

API Constraints

  1. This API needs to be authenticated with a valid user authentication token. If the auth token is not present or is invalid, the API will return HTTP Status Code 401.

  2. Each customer is allowed to send a limited number of requests per minute to prevent server overload. If the limit is exceeded, the server will respond with a 429 Too Many Requests status code.

  3. If the auth token is valid, but the user does not have the authorization to generate e-invoice for a document, then the API will return HTTP Status Code 403. The user, whose auth token is used, should have an Admin role for the particular TIN used in the request.

Last updated