(Deprecated) Regenerating Consolidated E-Waybill

This API is deprecated. Please use the E-Waybill APIs from the unified set available here.

The API request for regenerating a Consolidated E-Waybill is asynchronous. Once you send a PUT request to regenerate an E-Waybill, you will receive a Workflow ID. Using this Workflow ID, you can check the regeneration status by sending a GET request to another endpoint.

Regenerate Consolidated E-Waybill

The request for regenerating a Consolidated E-Waybill is sent by submitting a PUT request to the E-Waybill API with the following request headers.

This request needs the IDs of E-Waybills with status PART_A or GENERATED or UPDATED.

Note: All E-waybills sent for generating a Consolidated E-Waybill should have the same status.

URL query string:


Request Parameters:

Sample Request:


Sample Payload

    "cewb_id": "1710005417", // Consolidated Ewaybill Number
    "vehicle_number": "KA01AA1234",
    "from_place": "BANGALORE",
    "from_state": "KARNATAKA",
    "transport_date": "26/09/2018",
    "transport_mode": "ROAD",
    "regenerate_reason": "BREAKDOWN",
    "regenerate_remarks": "Any remark "

Sample Response:

    "workflow_id": "5a3f5b0e-6d99-4efa-aa63-20bb68327f60",
    "status": "INIT",
    "error_message": null,
    "total": 5,
    "failed": 0,
    "success": 5

Please note down the workflow_id returned by this request. You can use this to poll the updated status with a GET request later.

Get regeneration status

You can get the status of regeneration activity by submitting a GET request to the E-Waybill API with following request headers.

URL query string:


Request Parameters:

Sample Request:


Sample Response:

    "workflow_id": "5a3f5b0e-6d99-4efa-aa63-20bb68327f60",
    "status": "PROCESSED",
    "error_message": null,
    "total": 5, Number of E-waybills consolidated
    "failed": 0, Number of failed documents
    "success": 5 Number of successful documents

To know the Consolidated E-Waybill ID cewb_number, you can call the Get E-Waybill endpoint.

Last updated