(Deprecated) Getting Upload History
You can get the list of all upload activities by submitting a GET request to the Upload File API
This API is deprecated. Please use the E-Waybill APIs from the unified set available here.
Get upload history
This endpoint allows you to get the upload history based on GSTIN & Branch.
{business_id} : taxable entity ID associated to the GSTIN.
{taxable_entity_id} : taxable entity ID associated to the GSTIN.
{branch_ids} : branch IDs associated to the Branch. You can send multiple branch ids to get the upload history.
All Branches should be associated to same GSTIN.
Note: For this particular endpoint, you need to use Business ID instead of Taxable Entity ID.
Sample request with multiple branch ids :
Sample request with branch_ids : https://ewb.cleartax.in/api/v0.1/business/7a5235d8-c107-483c-b6a0-7ed98417d258/upload_activity?taxable_entity_id=c5cc664c-d473-4ec5-9301-acf43349b7c4&branch_ids=5d2f7742-1484-4bb4-9a5b-b3b8c3586b40&start=0&limit=20
Sample request without branch_ids : https://ewb.cleartax.in/api/v0.1/business/7a5235d8-c107-483c-b6a0-7ed98417d258/upload_activity?taxable_entity_id=c5cc664c-d473-4ec5-9301-acf43349b7c4
Query Parameters
Taxable_entity_id of the GSTIN.
Based on file format data can be filtered.
'XLSX', 'XLS' ,'CSV'
Based on status parameter you can fetch the details.
based on data type mentioned in query parameter. it will fetch the details.
EWAY_BILLS is the value of this
You can limit the no. of records in the response.
You can specify the point from where you need the data.
By default it starts from 0
branch id of the branch.
You can get data of multiple branches also but all branches should associated to one GSTIN only.
X-Cleartax-Auth-Token: <USER_AUTH_TOKEN>
Auth token will be generated & given upon request..
"activity_id": "02de95e9-864d-49b5-a793-5e29f718dd2b",
"owner_taxable_entity_id": "c5cc664c-d473-4ec5-9301-acf43349b7c4",
"owner_gstin": "27AACCB1409R1ZH",
"owner_taxable_entity_name": "Maharashtra",
"status": "PROCESSED",
"total_rows_processed": 2,
"valid_invoice_summary": {
"totalInvoices": 1,
"totalValue": null,
"totalTax": null
"invalid_invoice_summary": {
"totalInvoices": 0,
"totalValue": null,
"totalTax": null
"file_url": "https://ewb-prod.s3.ap-south-1.amazonaws.com/c5cc664c-d473-4ec5-9301-acf43349b7c4_5b533998-5373-431b-9a2d-e7345711aa80.xlsx",
"error_file_url": null,
"upload_data_type": "EWAY_BILLS",
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"updated_at": 1558435351101,
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"error_rows": null,
"error_groups": null,
"excel_processing_exception": null,
"file_name": "anto001.xlsx",
"additional_fields": {
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"vendor_template_type": null,
"group_id": null,
"ref_version": null,
"branch_id": "5d2f7742-1484-4bb4-9a5b-b3b8c3586b40"
"total_sheets": 7,
"valid_rows": 2,
"invalid_rows": 0,
"total_transactions": 1,
"file_format": "xlsx",
"created_by": {
"userId": 12316,
"fullName": "Amit Vishwakarma",
"username": "test25@cleartax.in"
"has_header_error": false,
"header_status": "WARNING",
"error_messages": [],
"warning_messages": [
"These headers werent't expected and were ignored: My GSTIN/Transporter ID-if user is Transporter), Customer Shipping Name"
"headers": [
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"index": 48,
"value": "Supplier Place",
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"index": 49,
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"type": null,
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"status": "KNOWN"
"index": 51,
"value": "Dispatch From State",
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"key": null,
"dto_field_identifier": null,
"dto_field_identifiers": null,
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"type": null,
"required": false,
"status": "KNOWN"
"index": 52,
"value": "My GSTIN/Transporter ID-if user is Transporter)",
"column_error_message": "This column has been ignored as it was not expected or mapped.",
"has_error": false,
"row_error_code": 0,
"key": null,
"dto_field_identifier": null,
"dto_field_identifiers": null,
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"type": null,
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"status": "UNKNOWN"
"index": 53,
"value": "Replace E-way bill",
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"required": false,
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"index": 54,
"value": "Is this Supply to/from SEZ unit?",
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"key": null,
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"type": null,
"required": false,
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"index": 55,
"value": "Eway Bill Transaction Type",
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"key": null,
"dto_field_identifier": null,
"dto_field_identifiers": null,
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"type": null,
"required": false,
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"type": null,
"required": false,
"status": "KNOWN"
"errors": {
"err_1": {
"code": "500",
"error_group_code": 0,
"error_id": 0
Last updated
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