Update Transporter Details on UI

Steps to update transporter details on UI to update Part A or Part B or Part A + B for an E-invoice to generate an E-way bill. Can be used to update transporter details of an active E-way bill

Step 1: Login

Login to the E-Inv Product - einv.cleartax.in or https://accounts.cleartax.in/

Step 2: Click on View and Manage EWBs

To view a list of all IRNs ingested and are eligible for E-way bill creation

Step 3: Select GSTIN/branch and land on view all EWBs page

Select the GSTIN and branch for which E-way bill details have to be entered or modified

Step 4: View and Manage E-way bills screen

Land on the view and manage E-way bills screen

Step 5: Select the IRNs which are in Pending / Part A / Generated / Updated status to update transporter details for the invoices

From the list of IRNs / invoices available select the invoices in appropriate status to update the transporter details one by one or in bulk

Step 6: Select the invoice(s) / IRN(s) to be updated with transporter details

Select the invoice(s) or IRN(s) for which transporter details have to be updated. Click on 'Update Transporter' button

Step 7: Click on ‘Update Transporter’ button to open the form for updating details

Click on the button to see the list of details to be updated

Step 8: Update only Transporter ID and Approximate Distance to generate ‘Part A’

If Transporter ID is already ingested then click on Generate EWB to generate Part A without modifying any other field. This will return an E-way bill number.

Step 9: Update Part A and Part B to generate E-way Bill

Update all details in the form i.e. Transporter mode, Transporter ID, Approximate distance, Transporter Document Number, Transportation Date to generate Part B for modes ‘Rail’, ‘Air’ and ‘Ship’. If the transportation mode is ‘Road’ then enter ‘Vehicle Type’ and ‘Vehicle Number’ as well. Click on ‘Generate EWB’ to update the details and create and EWB.

Step 10: Update Part 2 of Transporter Details

While updating details for an already ‘Generated’ EWB or ‘Part A’ E-way bill click on ‘Update Transportation Details’ to fill in other mandatory details - ‘Reason’, ‘Place of Change’, ‘State of Change’ and ‘Remarks’. Click on ‘Generate EWB’ after updating all the mandatory fields to update transporter details for the selected EWB.

Last updated