Common Errors and resolution

Frequent Error codes, description and their resolution for E-invoicing and E-way bill errors

Error Message

Error Cause



Invalid Token

  1. Token has expired

  2. While calling other APIs, wrong GSTIN / User Id/ Token passed in the request header

This error is primarily for Integration 1. Token is valid for 6 hours , if it has expired, call the Auth. API again and get new token 2. Pass correct values for GSTIN, User Id and Auth Token in the request headers while calling APIs other than Auth API


NIC API Credentials are not present! Save the GSTIN's API Credentials and try again

NIC API Credentials are not present.

Go to Business Settings -> Select GSTIN -> Save NIC API Credentials


We are unable to process your request now. Our team is working to resolve this at the earliest. Please try again after sometime.

Call to NIC failed with HTTP Status between 400 and 499

Please check with KAM if there is a scheduled maintenance or outage from NIC end. Try again in sometime, or contact on-call with the error_id in the response.


NIC servers are not responding. We are working with NIC to resolve this at the earliest. Please try again after sometime.

Call to NIC failed with Http Status 500 (can be due to Timeout/Server Error etc)

Please check with KAM if there is a scheduled maintenance or outage from NIC end. Try again in sometime, or contact on-call with the error_id in the response.


This eway bill is either not generated by you or cancelled


Validity period lapsed, you cannot cancel this eway bill

E-way bill validity is over and hence no cancel operation is allowed on the selected E-way bill

An E-way bill whose validity is over cannot be cancelled


Eway bill is already verified, you cannot cancel it


You don't have access to the GSTIN. Please contact your Admin for access

The owner_id in request doesn’t have access to the Seller GSTIN mentioned in the request payload.

Verify if the GSTIN is correct, if yes follow step 2 for getting correct owner_id|Go to Settings → Integrations → Verify that the owner-id should either be of the same GSTIN as in Request, it’s PAN or one of its branches


Remarks is mandatory

Remarks field not filled by the user while updating transporter details

Filling 'Remarks' field in Part 2 of Update Transporter modal while generating Part B or updating Part B is mandatory


Invalid Token


Invalid login credentials

Incorrect Nic credentials

the User need to give correct Nic credentials


Inactive User

Invalid API Credentials provided on CT Portal

Login to NIC, reset the API credentials for the GSTIN and set the same credentials on ClearTax portal


Invalid GSTIN for this user

Invalid API Credentials provided on CT Portal

Login to NIC, verify the API credentials and update the correct API credentials on CT portal.


Incorrect user id/User does not exists

Incorrect Nic credentials

the User need to give correct Nic credentials


Client Id is not mapped to this user


Incorrect Password

Password set up on ClearTax portal is not the same as the password

Update the password on ClearTax portal and save it|If the issue still exists, reset the API credentials on NIC portal and update the same credentials on ClearTax portal


Invoice does not belongs to the user GSTIN

User is attempting to perform some operations on IRN which does not belong to the currently logged in user

Certain operations can not be carried out on other’s IRNs such as cancel etc. Check GSTINs accesable by user and the GSTIN of invoice.User must have access to invoice's GSTIN


Requested IRN data is not available

User is trying to do some operation on an IRN which is not available in the eInvoice system

Please check whether IRN is correct or the operation is being carried out within permitted time duration.


Duplicate IRN

IRN already generated for this invoice as per NIC

Login to NIC portal and check under MIS reports if IRN is available for the same invoice. If it is available, then it is because of one of the two reasons below 1.If E-Invoice generation date is before Oct 1st, then Govt is yet to clean up the data where as ClearTax must have cleaned up 2.Customer has directly generated IRN on NIC portal hence not visible on ClearTax portal


Reverse Charge is applicable only for B2B invoices

Trying to set ‘Reverse Charges applicable’ for transactions other than B2B transaction

Check the ‘Reverse Charges Applicable’ parameter as per the current type of transaction


The document date should not be future date .

Attempting to set future date for the document date. Document date is not greater than system date (wrong date mentioned)

Check the document date being passed. Document date should not be greater than system date


Either supplier GSTIN or e-Commerce GSTIN can generate IRN.

Logged in user GSTIN does not match with either the supplier GSTIN or eCommerce GSTIN

If a supplier is registering the Invoice, GSTIN passed in the request header should match with the supplier GSTIN. If an eCommerce operator is registering the Invoice, GSTIN in header should match with the eCommerce operator’s GSTIN in the request payload


For intra state transaction IGST amounts is not applicable for item - {0} and Sl. No {1}

IGST amount is being passed for Intra State transaction where as CGST and SGST are applicable.

Please check the applicable taxes for current transaction. If the State code (POS) of recipient is same state code of Supplier, then CSGT and SGST applies. except as per rule if IGST is applicable for intrastate transaction, then pass the ‘IGST on IntraState_Supply’ flag as ‘Y' should be passed .


You have exceeded the limit of number of items

Number of line accepted on NIC portal is 1000.

Maximum number of items in each invoice should not exceed more than 1000 items and a minimum of 1 item should be available.


For inter state transaction, CGST and SGST amounts are not applicable for item - {0} and Sl. No {1}, only IGST amount is applicable

CGST and SGST taxes are being passed for inter state transactions

Please check the applicable taxes for current transaction. If the State code of Point of Supply (POS) of recipient is different than the state code of Supplier, then IGST applies. Pl check the details.


Invalid HSN code(s)-{0}

Wrong HSN code is being passed

Plz check the HSN code being passed and Cross-check the correctness of HSN code on e-invoice portal.


Invalid item unit code(s)-{0}

Invalid unit code/UOM has been passed

Please pass the correct unit code as per the master provided for e-invoice. Check the correct unit code in the portal under Search -> Master codes. If the unit code is not matching with your required unit, you may have to convert unit to one existing in the master list of unit code.


Taxable value of all items must be equal to total taxable value

Sum of taxable amounts of all items should be equal to invoice level taxable amount.

Please check the request payload for the taxable value validation. Total Taxable Value = Taxable value of all line items


SGST value of all items must be equal to total SGST Value

Sum of SGST amounts of all items should be equal to invoice level SGST amount

Please check the request payload for the SGST value validation. Total SGST Value = SGST Value of all Items


CGST value of all items must be equal to total CGST value

Sum of CGST amounts of all items should be equal to invoice level CGST amount

Please check the request payload for the CGST value validation. Total CGST Value = CGST Value of all Items


IGST value of all items must be equal to total IGST Value

Sum of IGST amounts of all items should be equal to invoice level IGST amount

Please check the request payload for the IGST value validation. Total IGST Value = IGST Value of all Items


Cess value of all items must be equal to total CessValue

Sum of Cess amounts of all items should be equal to invoice level Cess amount

Please check the request payload for the Cess value validation.


State Cess Value of all items must be equal to total State CessValue

Sum of State Cess amounts of all items should be equal to invoice level State Cess amount

Please check the request payload for the State Cess value validation.


Invalid total Invoice Value

Invoice level total value has not been calculated as per the passed values.

Invoice level total value is equal to totals of all the total item value plus other charges minus discount with tolerance limit of +/- One.


AssAmt value should be equal to (TotAmt - Discount) for HSN - {0} and Sl. No {1}

Incorrect assessable amount is passed for the specified item

For the specific item, assessable amount should be arrived at by deducting discount from total amount


Invalid total item value for HSN - {0} and Sl. No {1}

Total item value passed is incorrect.

Total item value should be sum of assessable value, all tax and cess values, other charges with tolerance limit of +/- One. Please refer to the validations in the portal.


Invalid state code {0} in dispatch details or ship details

Wrong state code is passed in dispatch or ship details

Correct the state code in dispatch/shipping details and try again. Please refer to the state codes in the portal at Search -> Master Codes


Supplier and recepient GSTIN should not be the same.

Same GSTIN has been passed for Supplier and Buyer GSTIN.

Self generated Invoice are not allowed for e-invoice generation.


The recepient GSTIN cannot be URP for supply type {0}

Un Registered Person (URP) is passed wrongly for B2B type of transaction.

For this type of transaction, actual GSTIN needs to be passed.


You are not authorised to get IRN data

User is trying to get IRN details which he is not supposed to

For genarting the IRN number user need to select the valid GSTIN and Valid Nic credentials


SGST and CGST Amounts should be equal for HSN - {0} and and Sl. No {1}

For the specified item, CGST and SGST amounts are not equal

CGST and SGST amounts should be same for the specified item.


Item list cannot be empty

There are no items in the item list

There should be at least one item in the item list


This IRN cannot be cancelled because e-way bill has been generated

User has tempted to cancel an IRN which has an active E Way Bill

IRN can not be cancelled unless the associated E Way Bill is cancelled. Cancel the E Way Bill first and then cancel the IRN


POS should be other courntry(code: 96 ) for {0} transaction

POS is sent other than 96 for the specified type of transaction

Send Other Country code (96) for POS state code for the specified transaction type i.e. for EXPWOP and EXPWP, POS should be "other country" (96).


Duplicate SI nos are not allowed in items

Duplicate serial number for the items has been shown in the item list.

The serial number of the items in the item list should be unique in an invoice.


Invalid SGST and CGST Amounts for HSN - {0} and Sl. No {1}

Wrong SGST and CGST amounts are passed

Correct values for the SGST and CGST amounts have to be passed.


IGST amount given with HSN -{0} and Sl. No {1} is Invalid

Wrong IGST amount is passed for the specified item in the item list.

Correct value for the IGST amount has to be passed. IGST value should be equal to [taxable value X tax rate] for that line item with tolerance limit of +/- One.


Quantity is required for HSN - {0} and Sl. No {1}

Quantity can not be blank in case of goods.

Quantity is requied for GOODS with valid HSN


Unit is required for HSN - {0} and Sl. No {1}

Value for unit is missing for the specified item in the item list

Send the value for unit for the specified item


Invalid GST rate for HSN -{0} and Sl. No {1}

Wrong GST rate is passed for the specified item in the item list.

Correct value for the GST rate has to be passed. Standard tax Rates are 0, 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 5, 12, 18, 28


Recipient POS should not be Other Country(code -96) incase of transaction type {0}

If Supply tupe code is B2B instead of EXPWP or EXPWOP

Other Country(code -96) will be applicable only when user select the supply type code EXPWP or EXPWOP


Invalid code for POS

Invalid State code has been passed for the POS


Recipient pincode is mandatory for transaction -{0}

Recipient PIN code is missing for the specified transaction type.

For the specified type of transaction, PIN code is mandatory under Recipient details.


Recepient has to be URP in case of export transactions


Supplier GSTIN state code should be same as the sate code passed in supplier details

The state code passed and first two digits of the GSTIN passed in the Supplier details do not match.

In the Supplier details, first two digits of the GSTIN should match the state code passed


Invalid supplier state code

State code passed in the Supplier Details is incorrect.

Pass the correct State code in the Supplier Details. For State code master, visit the portal under Search -> Master Codes


Invalid recepient state code

State code passed in the Recipient Details is incorrect

Pass the correct State code in the Recipient Details. For State code master, visit the portal under Search -> Master Codes


Recepient state code should be other country(code: 96 ) for {0} transaction

State code under Recipient details is sent other than 96, for the specified type of transaction

Send Other Country code (96) for State code under Recipient Details, for the specified transaction type


Supplier statecode and POS should be same for intra state supply but chargeable to IGST

IGST on Intra value is set as ‘Y’ but different state codes are mentioned under Supplier Details and POS

When IGST on Intra value is set as ‘Y’, it should be an intra state transaction and hence State code under Supplier Details should be same as POS under Recipient Details.


Recepient GSTIN state code should be same as the sate code passed in recepient details

The state code passed and first two digits of the GSTIN passed in the Recipient details do not match.

First two digits of the Recipient GSTIN should match with the state code passed in the Recipient details


Cess amount given with HSN -{0} and Sl. No {1} is invalid

Incorrect Cess amount is passed for the specified line item

Correct Cess amount may be passed for the specified line item.


State Cess amount given with HSN -{0} and Sl. No 1 is Invalid

Incorrect State Cess amount is passed for the specified line item

Correct State Cess amount may be passed for the specified line item


Recipient state code should not be Other Country(code -96) incase of transaction type {0}

For the specified type of transaction, State code in Recipient Details passed is 96 – Other Country

For the specified transaction type, State code passed in Recipient details can not be 96, pass a valid state code. Please refer to the State Codes in the portal under Search -> Master Codes


The allowed cancellation time limit is crossed

IRN cancellation initiated post 24 hours

User cannot cancel the e-invoice post 24 hours of generation. He needs to issue Credit note or Debit note.


Ship to state code should be a valid statecode for B2B, SEZ and Deemed Export transactions

Invalid State code is passed under Ship To details for B2B, SEZ and Deemed export transaction

Correct state code should be passed under Ship To Details for B2B, SEZ and Deemed export transactions. For valid State codes, may visit the portal under Search -> Master Codes


Ship to PIN code cannot be 999999 for B2B, SEZ and Deemed Export transactions

PIN code under ShipTo Details has been passed as 999999 for B2B, SEZ and Deemed Export transactions

Correct PIN code should be passed under Ship To Details for B2B, SEZ and Deemed export transactions. For valid PIN codes, may visit the portal under Search -> Master Codes


Dispatch from PIN code cannot be 999999

PIN code under Dispatch From Details has been passed as 999999 for B2B, SEZ and Deemed Export transactions.

Correct PIN code should be passed under Dispatch From Details for B2B, SEZ and Deemed export transactions. For valid PIN codes, may visit the portal under Search -> Master Codes


Recepient PIN code cannot be 999999 for {0} transaction.

PIN code under Recipient Details has been passed as 999999 for specified type of transactions

For supply type code B2B: Recipient PIN Code should match with master in the e-invoicing system. In case of export only Recepient PIN code can be 999999 is applicable


Recepient PIN code should be 999999 for direct export

PIN code under Recipient Details has been passed as other than 999999 for specified type of transactions.

999999 as PIN code should be passed under Recipient Details for specified type of transactions.


Supplier PIN code cannot be 999999

Wrong pin code is passed in Supplier information

Supllier pin code sholud be within india For valid pincodes, may visit the portal under Search -> Master Codes


IRN is already generated and is cancelled. You cannot generate duplicate IRN for the same invoice.

Duplicate Invocies

Invoice number Should be unique once IRN no got cancelled user can use same invocie number to Regenrate the IRN


IRN details cannot be provided as it is generated more than 2 days prior


IRN cannot be generated for the document date which is prior to 1st October 2020

Document date should be later than 1st October, 2020. NIC blocks IRN generation for documents before 1st October, 2020

No need to generate IRNs for documents before 1st October, 2020.


Requested data is not available

Cancelling a document against which IRN is not generated

A documnent cannot be cancelled on e-invoice portal if its IRN has not been generated.


GSTIN -{0} is not present in invoice system.

Recipient GSTIN is invalid or does not exist in e-invoice system portal and use the 'Tax Payer / GSTIN' option in search menu to check the status manually from GST Portal and use 'Update' button to get it updated from GST Common Portal.


GSTIN is not active

GSTIN is inactive or cancelled by department or tax payer.

Check the correctness of the GSTIN and its status. If you are sure that it is active, Pl use the 'Sync GSTIN from GST CP' API to get it verified from the GST Portal. If it is active at GST portal, it will return you with the new status. If you get the status as 'Active', then you can re-fire your request to generate the IRN. If you are not able to verify through API, you can go to portal and use the 'Tax Payer / GSTIN' option in search menu to check the status manually from GST Portal and use 'Update' button to get it updated from GST Common Portal, if required. If you are satisfied with result, you can re-fire the request.


Ship details Details:Pincode-{0} does not exists

Wrong pin code is passed in ship details

Provide the valid pincode or For valid pincodes, may visit the portal under Search -> Master Codes


Seller Details:Pincode-{0} does not belong to the state-{1}

Wrong Pin Code mentioned


The HSN {0} does not belong to Goods

Wrong HSN code has been passed for goods.

Please provide the correct HSN code for goods.


The HSN {0} does not belong to Service

User has provided HSN/SAC code incorrectly for service transaction.

User must ensure that correct HSN or SAC code is mentioned according to the transaction item being goods or service (S or G).


TransportId -{0} is not present in E WayBill system.


This TransId -{0} has a generated common Enrolment no. Pls ask for the CEN from your transporter


GSTIN - [0] is cancelled and document date - {0} is later than DRegistration Date


GSTIN- {0} is cancelled and DRegistration Date is not available


Status of the IRN is not active

IRN is inactive or cancelled


EwayBill is already generated for this IRN

EwayBill is already generated for this IRN

Check Eway bill details for the IRN


Requested IRN data is not available

Trying to generate e-way bill through IRN but such IRN is not available in the NIC database.

User needs to share the correct IRN.


E Way Bill can be generated provided at least HSN of one item belongs to goods.

None of the line items in the ingested invoice have goods due to which E-way bill can't be created for the invoice

Include at least one line item in the invoice belonging to 'Goods' category to generate E-way bill for the invoice


E-way Bill cannot generated for Debit Note, Credit Note and Services.

E-way bill is not required or allowed for the mentioned doc types

E-way bill is not required or allowed for the mentioned doc types. Only invoices which contain goods need E-way bills to be created


Vehicle number should be passed in case of transportation mode is Road.

vehicle Number mentioned but Trans_mode selected other instead of Road

if Trans_mode selected "Road" then Vihicle numer is applicable


The transport document number should be passed in case of transportation mode is other than Road.

Transport Document Number not passed while updating Part B details of E-way Bill

For Transportation modes Rail, Air and Ship transport document number should be mandatorily passed to update Part B or transporter details of E-way bill


The distance between the pincodes given is too high or short.

Distance is not calculated properly according to the pincodes provided.

User needs to correct the distance provided.


Invalid Vehicle Number

Incorrect vehicle number

Please check the vehicle number.


EWayBill will not be generated for blocked User -{0}


Transport document date cannot be a future date


Provide Transporter ID in order to generate Part A of e-Way Bill

Transporter ID is mandatory for E-way bill part A generation

Enter the Transporter ID and try again


Invalid vehicle type .


Transporter document date cannot be earlier than the invoice date.

Invoice date should be earlier than Transporter Document date.

Correct the dates and try again.


vehicle type should be passed in case of transportation mode is Road.

Vehicle type is required if transporter mode is road

Enter the vehicle type and try again


The transport document date should be passed in case of transportation mode is other than Road.


Vehicle type should not be ODC when transmode is other than road


Duplicate EwayBill for document numer - ({0})

EWB already generated for this document number

Fetch details of already generated E-way Bill for this document number as E-way Bill cannot be generated again if for a particular document there is an already existed E-way Bill.


Transport mode is mandatory as Vehicle Number/Transport Document Number is given

Transport Mode can not be blank

If user provide the Vehicle Number/Transport Document Number then Trans Mode is mandatory


Valid distance to be sent in case of same pin codes

"Zero" is not an acceptable distance in case source and destination PIN codes are same.

The actual distance has to be passed in case the source and destination PIN codes are same and the allowed range of value is from 1 to 100.


The distance between the pincodes {0} and {1} is not available in the system

You need to pass the actual distance.

User needs to share the actual distance


Ship to details are mandatory for export transactions to generate e-Way Bill.


Ship to state code cannot be other country code(96) for e-Way Bill generation


Ship to PIN code cannot be 999999 for e-Way Bill generation

This is used for export documents


Since the you passed Supplier/Recepient/Dispatch from/Ship to Pincode as 999999, distance cannot be 0

In Eway -bill section transport distance can not be the Zero

Need to give the valid distance and correct Trans Mode


The distance between the pincodes given is too high


Application Error in EWB-, Please Contact the help desk


Invoice is not active

IRN generation request raised for an invoice which has IRN cancelled against the same.

IRN cannot be generated again for the same invoice number against which IRN has been cancelled already.


The field Product Description must be a string with a minimum length of 3 and a maximum length of 300.


The Type of Supply field is required.

Supply type filed can not be blank

Supply type code field is mandatory


The State field is required.

State code can not be blank

State code of recipient and supplier is mandatory filed user have to put the state code


The field Total Assessable value of all items must match the regular expression '^\d+.?\d{0,2}$'.

Invalid Total Assessable value


The field Batch Name must be a string with a minimum length of 3 and a maximum length of 20.


The field Vendor PO Reference Number must be a string with a minimum length of 1 and a maximum length of 16.


The field Location must be a string with a minimum length of 3 and a maximum length of 50.


The field Total Item Value must match the regular expression '^\d+.?\d{0,2}$'.


The Sl No. field is required.

Sl No can not be blank

Sl No field is mandatory


The field Bar Code must be a string with a minimum length of 3 and a maximum length of 30.


The Cancel Reason field is required.


The field HSN Code must be a string with a minimum length of 4 and a maximum length of 8.


The field Amount of CGST payable must match the regular expression '^\d+.?\d{0,2}$'.


The Location field is required.


The field IGST on Intra-State Supply must be a string with a minimum length of 1 and a maximum length of 1.


The field Transport Document Date must match the regular expression '^[0-3][0-9]/[0-1][0-9]/[2][0][1-2][0-9]$'.


The field Address 1 must be a string with a minimum length of 3 and a maximum length of 100.


The field Transport Document Date must be a string with a minimum length of 10 and a maximum length of 10.


The field Sl No. must match the regular expression '^[0-9]*$'.


Application Error, Please Contact the help desk


The field Phone Number must be a string with a minimum length of 6 and a maximum length of 12.


The field Vehicle Number must be a string with a minimum length of 4 and a maximum length of 20.


The Assessable Amount (Total Amount - Discount) field is required.


The GST Rate field is required.


The field Tranport Document Number must match the regular expression '^[A-Z0-9]{1}[A-Z0-9\-/]*$'.


The Address 1 field is required.


The field Cancel Reason must match the regular expression '([1-4]{1})?'.


The Final Invoice value field is required.


The Tax Scheme field is required.


The field Mode of transportation must be a string with a minimum length of 1 and a maximum length of 1.


The GSTIN field is required.


Request body too large.


The POS field is required.


The Pin Code field is required.


The Name field is required.


The field Vehicle type(ODC/Regular) must be a string with a minimum length of 1 and a maximum length of 1.


The Reference of original invoice field is required.


The field Reverse Charge must be a string with a minimum length of 1 and a maximum length of 1.


The BuyerDtls field is required.


The field Name of the transporter must be a string with a minimum length of 3 and a maximum length of 100.


The Date of preceding invoice field is required.


The field State must be a string with a minimum length of 1 and a maximum length of 2.


The field GSTIN must be a string with a minimum length of 3 and a maximum length of 15.


The field Location must be a string with a minimum length of 3 and a maximum length of 100.


The field Unit Price must match the regular expression '^\d+.?\d{0,3}$'.


The field Assessable Amount (Total Amount - Discount) must match the regular expression '^\d+.?\d{0,2}$'.


The Total Item Value field is required.


The field Tranport Document Number must match the regular expression '^([a-zA-Z1-9]{1}[a-zA-Z0-9/-]{0,15})$'.


The field GSTIN must match the regular expression '([0-9]{2}[A-Z a-z 0-9]{13})|URP'.


The field Batch Warranty Date must match the regular expression '^[0-3][0-9]/[0-1][0-9]/[2][0][1-2][0-9]$'.


The field Total Amount (Unit Price * Quantity) must match the regular expression '^\d+.?\d{0,2}$'.


The field e-Mail must be a string with a minimum length of 6 and a maximum length of 100.


The field Quantity must match the regular expression '^\d+.?\d{0,3}$'.


The field Amount of SGST payable must match the regular expression '^\d+.?\d{0,2}$'.


The field Discount must match the regular expression '^\d+.?\d{0,2}$'.


The field GST Rate must be between 0 and 999.999.


The Document Type field is required.


The field Unit must be a string with a minimum length of 3 and a maximum length of 8.


The field Address 1 must be a string with a minimum length of 1 and a maximum length of 100.


The field Reference of original invoice must be a string with a minimum length of 1 and a maximum length of 16.


The field Total IGST value of all items must match the regular expression '^\d+.?\d{0,2}$'.


The Legal Name field is required.


The IRN field is required.


The ValDtls field is required.


The Document Number field is required.


The Total Assessable value of all items field is required.


The field Distance must be between 0 and 4000.


The field Remarks/Note must be a string with a minimum length of 3 and a maximum length of 100.


The ItemList field is required.


The field Tranport Document Number must be a string with a minimum length of 1 and a maximum length of 15.


The Batch Name field is required.


The field Transin must match the regular expression '([0-9]{2}[A-Z 0-9]{13})'.


The field Branch or IFSC code must be a string with a minimum length of 1 and a maximum length of 11.


The field Final Invoice value must match the regular expression '^\d+.?\d{0,2}$'.


The field GST Rate must match the regular expression '^\d+.?\d{0,3}$'.


The field Amount of IGST payable must match the regular expression '^\d+.?\d{0,2}$'.


The JSON value could not be converted to System.Nullable`1[System.Int32]. Path: $.Data.ShipDtls.Pin | LineNumber: 0 | BytePositionInLine: 1152.


The field Transin must be a string with a minimum length of 15 and a maximum length of 15.


The field Transin must match the regular expression '([0-9]{2}[A-Z a-z 0-9]{13})|URP'.


The HSN Code field is required.


The field Total CGST value of all items must match the regular expression '^\d+.?\d{0,2}$'.


The field e-Mail must match the regular expression '^[a-zA-Z0-9+_.-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+$'.


The field State must match the regular expression '^([0-9]{1,2})$'.


The Distance field is required.


The field e-Commerce GSTIN must be a string with a minimum length of 15 and a maximum length of 15.


The field Pin Code must be between 100000 and 999999.


The field Total CESS value of all items must match the regular expression '^\d+.?\d{0,2}$'.


The field State must match the regular expression '^([0-9]{2})$'.


The field Vendor PO Reference date must match the regular expression '^[0-3][0-9]/[0-1][0-9]/[2][0][1-2][0-9]$'.


The field Legal Name must be a string with a minimum length of 3 and a maximum length of 100.


The Supply or Service field is required.


The Total Amount (Unit Price * Quantity) field is required.


The field Reference of original invoice must match the regular expression '^([a-zA-Z1-9]{1}[a-zA-Z0-9/-]{0,15})$'.


The JSON value could not be converted to System.Nullable`1[System.Int32]. Path: $.Data.BuyerDtls.Pin | LineNumber: 0 | BytePositionInLine: 557.


Duplicate Requests at the same time


The field Mode of transportation must match the regular expression '([1-4]{1})?'.


The Cancel Remark field is required.


The field GSTIN must match the regular expression '([0-9]{2}[A-Z 0-9]{13})|URP'.


The field Batch Expiry Date must match the regular expression '^[0-3][0-9]/[0-1][0-9]/[2][0][1-2][0-9]$'.


The field Document Number must match the regular expression '^([a-zA-Z1-9]{1}[a-zA-Z0-9/-]{0,15})$'.


The field POS must be a string with a minimum length of 1 and a maximum length of 2.


Invalid value in Tax Scheme


The field Cess Non-Advol Amount must match the regular expression '^\d+.?\d{0,2}$'.


The field Other Charges must match the regular expression '^\d+.?\d{0,2}$'.


The field Address 2 must be a string with a minimum length of 3 and a maximum length of 100.


Invalid value in Type of Supply


The field Rounding off amount must be between -99.99 and 99.99.


The field Name must be a string with a minimum length of 3 and a maximum length of 100.


The field Trade Name must be a string with a minimum length of 3 and a maximum length of 100.


The field Phone Number must match the regular expression '^([0-9]{6,12})$'.


The field Document Number must be a string with a minimum length of 1 and a maximum length of 16.


The Unit Price field is required.


The field Date of preceding invoice must match the regular expression '^[0-3][0-9]/[0-1][0-9]/[2][0][1-2][0-9]$'.

Last updated

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