Custom Template

Step 1: Create Custom Template with details

Prepare your own custom excel template with mandatory and conditional mandatory details as required by ZATCA

Step 2: Upload custom template on Cleartax platform

Goto Settings > Import Settings > Click on New Template > Click on Select file from your computer

Step 3: Map your custom template on Cleartax platform

Map your custom template headers against Cleartax headers > Ensure all the mandatory and conditional headers are mapped > Click on Save Template > Name your Template and Save

Step 4: Import your Custom Excel Template

Click on Import Invoices > Select the Custom template > Click on Start Uploading > Click on 'Choose a file to upload'

Step 5: Review and Upload

Post uploading the excel, Cleartax will highlight the validation errors (if any) and option to correct the errors on the platform or you can download the error report and correct the excel template.

Once the correction is done, data is ready for e-Invoice generation.

Last updated